Fighting the Dictator

Kyle immediately took out his sword from his inventory and got back to his feet.

The cat felt a strange pain in its chest that it had never felt before. It lost all strength and fell down in the pool of its own blood.

Kyle was glad that his little stunt had worked. He had seen Noah pull something like this in somewhat of a similar situation, just not with a sword.

Noah, whose primary focus lay in close quarter combat told Kyle that this was an oddly effective move if you could pull it off because it essentially blocked any movement of the Beast's forelimbs while targeting their weakness.

[Twin head cat killed]

[650(300) exp gained]

[Extract usable parts?]


[Extracted twin head cat spinal cord×1]

[Extracted twin head cat fangs×2]

[Extracted twin head cat claws×4]

Once the battle was over, Kyle immediately left the area and ventured deeper inside the forest.

Eventually, after hunting more than a dozen beasts and some patrols, Kyle finally made it to a grand palace located right in the centre of the mountain range, not exactly...

The house before Kyle was a rather larger one, but not large enough to call it a mansion let alone palace.

But, there was no door to be found to enter the building. Faced with the strange house, Kyle suddenly remembered something.. He had to raise all his stats to the limit of the first floor in order to get the Key to the Dictator's palace.

Kyle had collected more than five thousand exp by continuously defeating transcendents and beasts.

'Add five hundred points to each stat.'

[Detected Error!]



[2400exp spent]

[Strength: 32(16)--->40(20)]

[Agility: 32(16)---->40(20)]

[Stamina: 32(16)---->40(20)]

[Endurance: 32(16)---->40(20)]

[Intelligence: 32(16)---->40(20)]

[Energy affinity: 32(16)---->40(20)]

Kyle thought that he had more than three thousand exp for sure, then why was the system showing the error notification. He sneaked a peak at his status panel.

[Exp: 1920/0]

'Does this mean that I have maximised all my stats?'

As if to answer his question, a bright light suddenly appeared before Kyle. In this light, a key manifested and dropped in Kyle's hand. At the same time, a keyhole manifested on the wall of the house just in front of Kyle.

[Key to the floor Dictator's palace(First floor)]

Kyle inserted the key into the newly formed keyhole. With the sound of a click, the key started to rotate on its own and Kyle pulled his hand off. The key rotated for a few more times before disappearing along with the door.

Before Kyle was an empty hallway leading to a closed door. There was also a chair placed in the hallway. Kyle held back his impulse to smash the door and get this exhausting mission over with, but he controlled his impulse. After checking that it was safe, Kyle sat down on the chair and equipped his title 'Monarch of the nameless Throne.'

This was the only title that Kyle could Equip. His title had somehow devoured the title Saviour of a world... Despite that, it was a very useful title with unique and useful effects. One of these effects was five times recovery speed for mana and three times increased healing and HP recovery.

After sitting for tens of minutes, Kyle stood up and stretched himself up. Now, it was time to face off against whatever was behind that door.


The door was pushed open and Kyle entered what seemed to be a surveillance room where a large screen was placed in front of a luxurious chair. The screen was playing a video of Kyle fighting a beast just an hour ago.

"I never thought that a Monarch would ever appear on the first level of this trap created by Gods. I was here only to spend my retirement while raising those little beasts, but...." An old man got up from the chair and signalled Kyle to follow him.

"You know, your battle IQ is very good and your usage of skills is also commendable. But, the best weapon in your arsenal is your opportunistic and resourceful use of whatever you have." The old man gave a pause and turned towards Kyle as if signalling him to speak.

"But you will never be able to defeat me with the skills or sword wielding you have shown till now. Your style of using a weapon is too crude and immature." Seeing that Kyle wasn't answering, the man continued.

The Dictator pushed open a door and walked inside, followed by Kyle.

Kyle had looked into the old man's stats as soon as he saw him. And what Kyle saw wasn't good news for him.

[Title: Dictator of Orivsliver Mountain]

[Race: Draconian(incomplete)]


[HP: 70/70]

[Mana equivalent: 90/90 ]


[Strength: 50] [Agility: 50]

[Stamina: 50] [Endurance: 50]

[Energy affinity:50][Intelligence:50]

On top of that, this person seemed to be experienced in combat or at least that's the impression his words gave.

Kyle re-equipped his title as soon as he entered this door while also hiding his aura at the same time.

"Humm... the air around you has changed a little." The Dictator stared at Kyle trying to spot out the change.

Kyle drew out his sword and followed the man to some distance from the house.

The old man turned around to face Kyle. "Since you are a monarch, I won't hold back anything." Saying so, the man dashed towards Kyle while swinging his fist. Kyle stepped sidewards and dodged the attack. The fist which had been aimed at Kyle's chest punched the air and a small ring shaped shockwave was formed.

Kyle looked at the old man whose body had expanded to look like a burly ten feet tall man who had grown Draconian scales on his body. These scales were randomly scattered all over his body and only a dozen or two in total.

After side stepping, Kyle swung his sword at the dictator.


The sword was blocked by the Dictator's fist and nearly thrown off of Kyle's grip. Another fist was heading towards Kyle's stomach at the same time.

Kyle reacted almost instantly and jumped backwards.


Kyle swung his sword at the ring of air heading towards him. Unexpectedly, this minor shockwave had quite some power behind it.

Kyle jumped upwards and swung his sword towards the ground. The Dictator's leg swept through the region where Kyle was standing.


Once again, Kyle's sword was blocked by a scale present on the back of the Dictators wrist.

"Not bad! You have been hiding your reaction speed all this time." The old man said to which Kyle could only smile wryly.

This increased reaction speed and body-mind coordination was all the result of his doubled 'intelligence' stat which was essentially 80 when he equipped his title.

The Dictator had an advantage over Kyle in all stats except intelligence. To top that off, he was an experienced veteran when it came to combat, so he was easily able to dominate the fight. Although Kyle was in a passive position, his heightened reaction kept him from getting hit.

The old man delivered a front kick aimed at Kyle's chin, twisted his body and side kicked at Kyle who had moved backwards to dodge the previous kick.

Kyle parried the ring formed by the shockwave and swung his sword at the old man's calves. He knew that the Dictator was capable of blocking his attack, but he couldn't let go of attacking completely and focus only on defending. That would put him in the passive position.


Just like what he expected, the old man folded his leg and blocked the sword with his. Taking advantage of this, Kyle kicked away the old man's foot and swung his sword at his chest.

The dictator twisted his body such that he was standing with his side towards Kyle and extended his hand.

Kyle immediately stopped his attack and leapt backwards. If he hadn't, his sword would have been grabbed away from his hand.

Kyle felt that it was really very tiresome to deal with this man who could easily find flaws in his techniques. Even if he improvised in order to not repeat the same mistake, his opponent would find another opening in the improvised move.

Their heated battle continued with Kyle's opponent blocking all his attacks while Kyle blocked, evaded or parried all the attacks coming at him.

'This is bad...!'

Kyle knew that he was heading towards sure defeat. Not only was his Stamina less than the Dictator to begin with, he was also spending it much more quickly than the Dictator.

"If I had been in my prime, you wouldn't have lasted a single attack." The Dictator said while stopping a few steps away from Kyle. Kyle looked at the man who had stopped mid battle with a confused look. Suddenly, he frowned in realisation and attacked with his sword.

"If I had been a few months older, you wouldn't have had the chance to spout all this gibberish during a fight." Kyle replied in a cold voice. He flicked his wrist and changed the trajectory of his sword when it was nearing the Dictator.


The attack was easily blocked and Kyle followed through with another vertical swing of his sword.


The dictator punched at the flat side of the sword, resulting in change in its trajectory and immediately threw a spinning heel towards Kyle's ribs.

"Haha nearly fell for my own trick over there..If only we had someone like this in the younger generations. Those fools have given up all aspirations and have lost the chance to transcend any further." The old man said as he looked at Kyle with a praising look while also condemning the transcendents patrolling the sanctuary.

Kyle ignored the words and continued attacking. He didn't fall for this the first time, and he definitely won't fall for it the second time as well..

Although he had been on the defensive for the majority of the battle, Kyle had somehow managed to stop his adversary from controlling the pace of the battle, the same thing that the old man was aiming for. If that happened, Kyle's chances would only get slimmer.