Chapter 29 - Unneeded Apology

Rizevim Livan Lucifer was a man of many qualities.

Ambitious, cunning, prideful, then the list could go on and on. However, there was one thing that he was not.

A coward.

At the very least not anymore.

After gaining Solomon's ring and along with it "Solomon's Wisdom" he changed. He was a special exception in Solomon's game. He had acquired the ring far later in life and wasn't given it by Solomon himself, and thus he wasn't truly a reincarnated person. Instead one could call him a person with "borrowed memories" of a little known light novel series known as Highschool DxD in a simple and peaceful world besides his own. With these memories of course came confusion.

His whole life was just going to amount to him being a stupid antagonist to an average boy obsessed with women's breasts? At first, he tried laughing it off, but when Solomon himself told him that it was true he fell into despair.

Ironically it was a feeble little human girl that pulled him out of the depths.

Now he was the leader of the Khaos Brigade a faction which had managed to gather a great deal of powerful factions spanning multiple races, religions, and existences. Such a conglomeration of power had all but put the supernatural world into a perpetual stalemate protecting the humans from their constant bickering.

Indeed he was a hero that no one would ever even know the name of, but it was fine for him. His reward was seeing all of the things the humans could come up with when left to their own devices and oh how amazing it was.

Cell phones that could allow one to communicate with someone across the world.

Nukes capable of decimating an entire country.

Planes which allow them to fly.

The list only goes further.

So much done in such little time and with no aid from magic or gods or anything else for the most part.

His father was right for believing that humans were God's most perfect creations. And he was a fool for not having seen it sooner.

That was indeed why he was currently standing in front of the base of the Church of Necessary Evil.

It was a simple looking church as one might expect though it was much bigger, big enough perhaps to look grand in an almost humble way.

A Devil would never come near such a place. This subsection of the Church in particular was the best of the best when it came to combating the supernatural, though their means of doing so were technically heretical it was efficient.

Rizevim as he approached was wearing his normal disguise: a fedora, a missing beard, thick sunglasses, and a very expensive-looking suit. He was a vain and prideful man after all, or well he was as a Devil should be.

Stylish even when entering enemy territory.

Taking steps towards the church he felt the intense push back not only from his instincts but from the barrier surrounding the area pushing him back and attempting to purify him to his very core.

"As expected of the "Merlin" of this age." Rizevim complemented aloud as two exorcists burst through out of the main entrance in surprise.

"Who goes there!" One yells.

Both of the exorcists' eyes widened in shock seeing Rizevim walking calmly through the barrier as it tried its hardest to tear him apart. Despite its power, the son of Lucifer was taking no damage at all.

"H-How!" The two exorcists shook in fear seeing Rizevim get closer and closer with each step, they couldn't even muster up the courage to draw their weapons.

When finally arrived at the front door he stopped in front of the two humans towering over them menacingly. "Where is the new Cardinal Bishop in charge?"

The two exorcists grit their teeth and glared at the Devil. Finding new resolve each began reaching for their light power swords.

Seeing that they wouldn't answer and unfazed by their weapons he took another step and in an instant both exorcists fell to the ground as he used his Demonic Power to put an immense pressure on their shoulders. The weight of such power was not something anything less than a Seraph could stand against, almost unfathomable for regular humans.

He let the pressure go and strolled past them through the door to find every person that had likely been waiting to ambush him was on the ground unconscious.

"Whoops, looks like I went a bit too rough this time." He commented upon seeing the room full of bodies. "Hm?"

Suddenly he felt a blade to his neck. Looking over to the side he found a woman in a white hooded cloak that despite it covering up so much could not hide her beauty.

With bluish white hair, a perfect heart shaped face, thin pink lips, and bright pink eyes. She was a person coveted by men all over and perhaps one of the only people Rizevim would call objectively beautiful.

"It's great to see you again as well Marilyn." Rizevim responded casually not even bothering to take the threat of the woman's blade seriously. "Where's your brother?"

"What business do you have with elder brother?" The woman said coldly glaring at him.

"Marilyn, that's enough." A voice came from a nearby side room as the sound of steps echoed closer to them. "If this man wanted a fight he wouldn't have entered through the front door."

The source of the voice stepped through the threshold into the main hall revealing a tall man with white hair bordering on grey which while somewhat unkempt looking didn't affect his handsomeness, his yellow eyes peered at Rizevim with a bored, perhaps even tired, curiosity.

They were eyes that Rizevim had seen only two months ago on a little girl who somehow looked both bored and tired at the same time while still giving off a confident and regal air. A little girl just like this man.

"Tsk!" Marilyn moved away from him while lowering her blade, but still stayed just close enough to attack him if push came to shove.

"So? What're you here for Rizevim?"

"Today it seems like the Cherry Blossom Devil Roygun has something to announce to the audience!" The announcer of the rating game which had just taken place calming down the crowd before handing the microphone to the beautiful pink haired Devil.

"Ahem… As you know I've been doing this for quite some time. I am the number two after all. I've been doing rating games without any breaks since its very conception, and it seems as though it's about time I change that." The people in the crowd murmured in confusion upon hearing this and she continued on. "What I'm saying is that my peerage and I will be taking a break for a year or so."

Cebrail watching this in her living room heard such an announcement and nearly fainted. Quickly she stood up and her white nightgown caught the wind for a moment though as she didn't care Cebrail rushed out of the room to head to the Underworld right away.

"Young miss?" Adriel seeing Cebrail darting out of the living room he stopped her by grabbing her arm and lifting her up by her armpits so she could be at eye level to himself. Seeing her pouting expression and eyebrows stuck in the shape of a 'V' he found himself getting even more curious. "What happened? Did one of the maids upset you?"

"Roygun is taking a break from rating games. I must find out the reason for this."

"Oh I see… don't worry about that young miss."

"How could I not?" Cebrail seemed frustrated by his words and struggled against his grasp.

"You'll understand soon."

"That is correct. I shall understand soon." She stops struggling to point at Adriel dramatically. He understood exactly what she meant, she wanted to head to the Underworld to find out directly from someone like Serafall.

"Young miss just wait until tomorrow."






"Thank you miss." Adriel set her down with a polite smile as he could tell despite still frowning she would probably listen to his words.

To cool off from such a devastating announcement Cebrail decided to now head outside. Adriel felt like he should follow her but he decided to simply leave her be, he enjoyed the times in which she acted a bit spoiled. It was more fitting for a child with the blood of mankind.

Outside Cebrail heard labored grunts coming from the training field spiking her curiosity and drawing her towards the area.

Tosca with a wooden pole was hitting a dummy over and over trying to perform different moves in an almost dance-like fashion. Indeed she had a talent for the spear however without a proper teacher it was unlikely she would become the next Li Shuwen.

Seeing the girl covered in sweat finally take a break after a few minutes of watching Cebrail made her presence known by clapping.

"E-Eh!?!" Tosca, surprised, looked over towards Cebrail and blushed at her clapping. "M-Ms. Cebrail what brings you here?"

"I was curious because of the noise so I came…"

"A-Ah! Did I by chance disturb you while you were watching Tv? I'm very sorry!" Tosca immediately apologized for her apparent blunder.

"That isn't what happened at all, so there's no need to apologize."

"..." Tosca was silent hearing this with her head held low and a saddened expression on her face.

As if coming to a conclusion Tosca stepped forward and got on her knees in front of Cebrail before bowing her head to the ground.

"I'm sorry…"

"It isn't that serious…" Cebrail looked down at Tosca and responded in a confused tone.

"Not about the training I mean… I'm sorry that I let you down in the fight against the Werewolf…" Tears began forming in the corners of her eyes as she thought of her failure. "I know you probably expect a lot from me, but this time I completely failed you… if it hadn't been for my spear I would have been completely useless in that fight and senior Reginleif was held back by having to protect me…"


"If I had been stronger, faster, or even simply more skilled I could have, I could have…" Tears fell from Tosca's eyes onto the ground, she hated the feeling that was festering in her heart from disappointing Cebrail. The Angel was the only person to ever believe in her in her life.

"I think you're misunderstanding something Tosca." Cebrail knelt down with her knees pulled into her chest and looked at Tosca closely. "Both you and Reginleif are still incredibly green, I am your boss, your leader, your king. It is my duty to protect you two if you find yourself in a tough spot."

"NO! Ms. Cebrail! Neither me nor senior Reginleif wish to burden you in such a way! That is why it is inexcusable! Ms. Cebrail is right, you are our leader you are our boss, you are our king! You shouldn't have to fight against grunts because of the ineptitude of your servants!"

"Hmm I see. Fine if that's how you feel Tosca, you can do as you please then." Cebrail carefully patted Tosca's head somewhat lovingly almost like a mother causing the crying girl to look.

What Tosca was met with made her eyes widen.

It was a rare small smile from Cebrail. A smile that Tosca had never seen despite spending two months with her. Despite it being so small and reserved it held such a tender care in it that it brightened up her entire face.

"So long as you do as you please I will never be disappointed in you." She finished her words leaving Tosca speechless, stood up and left heading towards the edge of the cloud.

She had decided she would go fishing since she didn't like dealing with crying people. By the time she got back Tosca would no doubt be done with her venting.