Chapter 35 - Castle Game

"Roygun is our teacher!?!?" Rias yelled in astonishment, finding herself pointing in excitement just as Cebrail was.

Rias was flabbergasted to say the least. She had for as long as she could remember wanted to be the next champion of the rating games as when she first saw Diehauser Belial completely dominate in an intense placement match she thought, "wow that's a true Devil." Admired by all not for who he was related to nor his family name, which was already pretty much in the dirt, but instead for his power. His reputation and sway in Devil society was almost like that of her brothers as he had the respect of just about all Devils that enjoyed the rating games and even some that didn't.

He was exactly the kind of person Rias wanted to be.

A great Devil that would go down in history as an inspiration to all others.

A great Devil that could stand equal to her brother Sirzechs.

A great Devil her parents could be proud of.

Indeed this was her goal and as such she was a huge fan of watching rating games in her free time so of course though her most favorite was obviously the number one Diehauser she was still a huge fan of the runner ups the third place Bedeze Abaddon and… the one standing right in front of her now. The second place Roygun Belphegor.

As she began recovering from seeing one of her idols she was a bit confused. Why would an Angel idolize a Devil?

She looked over to her side to ask her companion only to find that Cebrail had vanished.

"...What…?" Rias blinked in confusion and looked back to Roygun where she saw Cebrail standing in front of her holding a poster.

"Please?" She said in a cute small voice.

Not only Rias but Sona, Puriel, Azril, and Gadreel were surprised by this somewhat shy display.

For the first time since any of them had met her the cold exterior completely melted away revealing an innocent child with wide bright yellow eyes bubbling with excitement, if one looked closely enough they may even spot a few stars.

Roygun being used to this sort of treatment was quick to react and took out a pen to sign the Roygun special edition poster in front of her though she was a bit confused.

(Does this kid carry this around with her everywhere?) Roygun thought with a polite smile as she handed the girl back her poster.

"Thank you." Cebrail thanked Roygun while putting the poster away.

"You're very much welcome." Roygun barely got to finish her words before Cebrail pulled out both her Roygun limited edition figurine and lunchbox and presented them with sparkling eyes.


"Errr… alright…" Roygun kept her composure but this was a bit of a first for her as though she had many fans usually they didn't carry such things with them everywhere.

"Hey! That's no fair!" Rias cried, stomping up next to Cebrail.

"What's not fair?" Cebrail asked, regaining her completely cool headed attitude that everyone knew her for.

"If I had known Roygun would be here I would have brought my stuff too!"

"What? You like Roygun but don't carry a shrine dedicated to her with you at all times?" Cebrail asks a bit astonished as she takes back her items and puts them back in her dimensional storage.

""Wait what?"" Both Rias and Roygun say at the same time a bit dumbly.

"Hmm?" Cebrail instead of explaining grabs Rias and shoves her head into the dimensional storage where she found an entire shrine dedicated to Roygun.

Plushies, figurines, pictures, lunch boxes, stickers, posters, and a great deal of limited edition collector items.

Rias' eyes went wide with shock and her jaw dropped, almost immediately after she was pulled out of the storage back into a straight stand.

"It would be bad if too much air got in there." Cebrail casually said closing her storage as if it wasn't at all strange that she quite literally always had a shrine to Roygun with her at all times.

"You… why…??? How???" Rias was at a loss for words and Roygun despite her polite smile was sweating on the inside.

Based on Rias' reaction it was easy to tell that Cebrail was likely an infamous "super fan" of hers. She didn't run into them often and she especially didn't run into ones that are quite as respectful as Cebrail. Usually they were quite delusional, some even thinking just because they had seen her on Tv a lot they were somehow allowed to act like she was their friend.

She couldn't tell if Cebrail was rational or completely irrational and was even a bit curious as to why the Angel child of Gabriel of all people was such a big fan of herself.

"Well we can continue this later. For now simply take your seats." Roygun said with a small smile, sending the two kids to their seats.

Rias and Cebrail sat next to Sona whose glasses held such a glint that her eyes couldn't be seen. They sat with Cebrail in the middle between the two.

"Hello once again Sona." Cebrail greeted the black haired Sitri heiress who simply said a blank "hi" back.

"Cebrail, you must like rating games a lot. You should know though since I'm going to be the future rating game champion you should be a lot nicer to me or else you won't be getting any autographs!"

"Ridiculous, you'll never be strong enough to beat Roygun."

"There you go underestimating me again!" Rias cried outraged.

As the two girls bickered but also made comfortable small talk Roygun understood exactly why Sirzechs had all but strong armed her specifically into this teaching position. When he claimed it was "for the sake of the Devil Angel treaty" she was skeptical at first, but she all but had to accept given who he was.

The other Angel kids were strange, especially Puriel and Azril. However they likely didn't have all that much sway in Angel society so getting on their good sides didn't mean much. Cebrail however was the daughter of Gabriel and thus among the Angels held MASSIVE sway.

If she were 100% on board with the treaty, then Gabriel would be 100% on board. Uriel was already filming things with Serafall, Raphael was already dealing with research concerning Demonic Power, and of course Michael was the one who put everything into motion. Indeed with Gabriel on board there would be no chances at all for the Angels to split up into two factions. At least this was Roygun's guess as to what Sirzechs was planning.

Of course she didn't know about the second layer of his plan. Using the two girls commonalities to create a situation in which they seem in love!

Roygun had already taken the attendance before Cebrail and Rias arrived and since everyone else had been there all she had to do was mark them down as currently here.

"There." She mumbled marking down the paper. Now she had to face her biggest problem. It was a pretty obvious one too.

It was the fact that she wasn't actually a teacher.

She hadn't gone to school to teach. Nor did she have any certifications. In the Human World one could even call her even being here not just stupidly reckless but also completely illegal.

What was she even supposed to teach them?

Some of them were in 6th grade, some 7th, others 8th, and even a few in 10th.

She couldn't just pull out a textbook and have them read the whole thing since they're usually made for particular grade levels. Plus kids have the attention span of a chipmunk on crack. They'd find such a task so boring that they wouldn't learn a single thing from it.

(Technically I can teach whatever I want right? I mean I wasn't given any specific instruction on how to run my class…) An idea came to Roygun's head. A simple but effective one indeed. Simply stall until she could figure out what she was really going to do!

"Today we'll be doing an exercise at the playground as an introduction to each other. So gather anything you think you might need and come along." Roygun said, clapping her hands together joyfully to gain the students' attention.

Soon all of them were in a line and headed to the playground, while the older kids were a bit laid back and skeptical, the younger ones were quite ecstatic, namely Rias who didn't want to do any school work.

When they arrived the playground wasn't something simple at all. It looked far more like a training ground than it did a playground. There was even an apartment sized castle sitting a small ways away in a field of grass with it's own small moat.

"As you all know rating games come in various different forms. One of such being the Scramble Flag Game." Roygun said, stopping with the class in front of a castle. "I'll be splitting you guys up into two groups, one will place the flags down in the castle and defend them and the other will attack the castle.

Stepping away from the students she looked at the class carefully and decided to pick out two leaders. "Rias, you will lead the attackers…"

Rias stepped out excitedly but tried to keep her dignity as the Gremory heiress by not showing it too much and stood next to Roygun.

Roygun stared at the students, she would pick Cebrail as the leader of the defenders due to her relative strength and aura however she didn't want to cause a fight between the Angels and Devils by pitting them against each other. She needed them to be mixed together.

Seekvaira Agares? No due to her notably short temper being likely to make things incredibly difficult.

Latia Astaroth? No since she was just a member of a branch family with no real authority. In essence she has the power but not the reputation nor aura of a proper leader.

That left only one person.

"Sona Sitri, you will lead the defenders." Though she didn't like the look in the girls' eyes when Rias and Cebrail were chatting about rating games and such, she knew Sona was quite intelligent and rational compared to her older sister.