Chapter 61 - A New Weapon

"So… you're one of Solomon's chosen then?" Elmenhilde asks Cebrail as the two walk through the forest around her secret base.

"Indeed. That is what I am."

"..." Elmenhilde stared at Cebrail's back with a bit of trepidation in her heart. If perhaps she had learned of this when they had just met she would have ran for the hills, however Elmenhilde had gotten to know Cebrail well enough to find that she and Gwyneth were as different as the Heavens and the Earth.

Gwyneth wished to rule the world and Cebrail didn't care about having control over anyone.

Gwyneth used force and Cebrail used words.

Though oddly Cebrail seemed quicker on the draw, she likely always went places expecting a fight to break out.

Elmenhilde was curious about where Cebrail's apparent paranoia came from, it was even more apparent given the fact that she met her own blood related aunt for the first time and was already prepared to fight her before the two even left the house.

"So, you must have one then?" Elmenhilde questioned tentatively.

"Have what?"

"A Royal Authority… What's yours?" She didn't exactly know if it was proper form to ask a king candidate about their Royal Authority but she felt things like what is and isn't proper didn't matter to the Seraphim Princess.

"My Royal Authority huh… It's a rather simple ability…Let me just show it to you." Cebrail raised her hand casually, almost as soon as she did so the air around the two lit up like a colorful light show.

"Tehee Hee~" Little giggles came from all around the two and Elmenhilde rather quickly realized what they were.

Fairies. Dozens or perhaps hundreds of them flying around like flies giggling and dancing.

"They really like you huh?" Elmenhilde commented, she didn't get this kind of treatment at all whenever they showed themselves to her.

"Yahoo~" Cebrail cheered, pushing her hand out a bit more.

"Yahoo!" One Fairy flew towards her hand and high fived Cebrail. The moment the high five was done the Fairy floated past Cebrail much like a leaf and landed softly on the ground.

"I'm pregnant~"

"..." Elmenhilde had nothing but question marks but couldn't ask anything as another Fairy flew to Cebrails hand.

"High fiveeee~" She smacked Cebrail's hand with her own tiny one before floating past much like the last Fairy and falling gently to the floor. "So nice~"


(I know touching Cebrail feels super good but I've never had an orgasim from it…)




Each fairy was completely laid out on the floor as they passed by, each with various degrees of ahegao faces.

Elmenhilde was suddenly rather jealous. The Fairies looked like they had just had the absolute best ******* down of their lives!

Elmenhilde bit her thumb feeling incredibly compelled to test this out herself, for science of course. However before she could even reach out Cebrail dropped her hand.

"My Royal Authority is a Pleasure Touch. As long as what I'm touching has a soul I can push good feelings into them. It can range from mild comfort to a living super soaker with nothing but procreation in mind." Cebrail explained casually however it made Elmenhilde a bit uncomfortable.

The reason for this was because Cebrail's Royal Authority felt…wrong…

Not just because the ability was similar to Gwyneth's own Absolute Order which ruled over the minds of others but… manipulating someone's soul was an entirely different demon. There weren't that many people with protections against soul based attacks, and the manipulation of one is the same as changing someone's very roots.

If such an ability was misused…

Elmenhilde looked back at the Fairies on the ground which were still visible despite the growing distance.

"I see you're thinking about the implications of it's use. Yes indeed you are correct. In some aspects my Royal Authority spits in the face of free will. It's the power to make the whole world happy if I simply tried." Cebrail herself sounded a bit disturbed herself by the idea of such a thing. "Quote 'This is the best possible world for God to create. If he had made it perfect then this world would be nothing but a toy box. Evil is necessary for freedom.' It makes sense…"

Cebrail as she said this had put her hands together as though she were praying however it didn't seem as though she noticed it nor the halo which flashed over her head.

"*COUGH* *COUGH*" She felt it however, her Light Power suddenly surging and the intense pressure on her heart which forced her to hunch over with a hand to her chest. A small bit of blood trickled from her nose as well and she couldn't help but groan intensely. "That wasn't even a prayer though…"

"C-Cebrail! Are you okay?!?" Elmenhilde bent down with a look of panic and reached out to Cebrail. The Seraphim Princess simply pushed it away and straightened her posture before wiping her nose.

"I'm fine." Cebrail reassured her in a measured tone before changing the topic entirely. "We should be getting close."

"Close? To where?"

"The home of the watery…Fairy thing. She's at the Center of this place." Cebrail explained vaguely. "You'll understand when we get there I think."

"Okayyy…" Elmenhilde responded with hesitance. She smelled something interesting, it was a sweet and sickly scent mingling into the scent of perfectly fresh and pure water.

Soon she saw exactly why this was as they came across a large clearing with enough Fairies to make the amount that went to Cebrail seem like a single drop of water. They were flying around in the sky like stars flying in the night.

"Wowwwww~" It was probably the most beautiful thing Elmenhilde had ever seen.

"Hm?" Cebrail looked at Elmenhilde slightly from the corner of her eye. She was quite curious when she saw this sight as well, it was one of the few things that moved her heart in both of her lives.

Though after seeing it a few times it had lost all of its meaning. It was simply a light show.

A few Fairies were also playing in the water, however what caught Elmenhilde's attention next was something or rather someone completely impossible.

It was a person that Elmenhilde felt could be called the "personification of beauty" with long straight blue hair and blue eyes. Her hourglass figure accentuated her bust and waist perfectly in the water and left ones mouth watering.

Elmenhilde was drawn in and without knowing started moving towards the woman.

"Stop." Cebrail grabbed her but instead of stopping like she normally would instead she turned on Cebrail with a glare and attempted to rip her arm free.

"Let go of me!" She screamed at the Seraphim Princess but Cebrail only held on tighter. "I SAID LET. GO!"

"..." Cebrail pulled her in instead of responding with an irritated expression.

"She's not that pretty… stop staring at her boobs or else I'll have to hurt you."

Elmenhilde twitched at this; she couldn't believe it. Was Cebrail… jealous?

The answer was no, however for Elmenhilde it was a resounding MAYBE! And such a thing was enough to break her out of the woman's spell, well… that as well as a loud smack across the face from the Seraphim Princess herself which left a red hand print.

"It's good that you woke up, I was about to stab you through the eyes." Cebrail commented looking away from Elmenhilde and back to the woman in the lake. The woman was smirking as though she were proud of her effect on Elmenhilde.

"I told you that you were strange child of Adam."

"I am not. You simply really aren't that beautiful."

"Mhmmmm~ Mhmmmm~ So you say! So you say!" The lady clapped her hands happily. "So what do you need from me child?"


"Wait who exactly are you?"

"Hmm? You haven't guessed by the lake and my beauty? I am-"

"The heartless green tea bi*ch that murdered Merlin in cold blood after he taught her the human magic he had invented." Cebrail stepped towards the late with a bored look on her face. "The Lady of the Lake, or Viviane. Don't be fooled by her appearance, she's a hag."

"Wha- Wha- Wha- WHAT! This-This is-!"

"I didn't murder Merlin, I'm not nearly strong enough for that~ I just sealed him away." Viviane said with a hand wave as flippantly as if she were just talking about going to the store to buy some milk.

Cebrail didn't pay the woman any mind as she stood and peered into the crystal clear lake.

"Emmy, keep your distance." The Seraphim Princess ordered while kneeling in front of the water.

"W-W-Wait, child! You can't do that!" Viviane dropping her cocky exterior to frantically warn Cebrail. She had realized what the girl was doing and was very much about to push her away, but it was too late and Cebrail attempted to put her hand in the lake.

Instantly Cebrail's hand was shocked with raw holy power forcing it back.

"I tried to warn you. Excalibur can only be taken by the next person destined to become the true king of Britain. You mustn't disturb it any fur-" Viviane didn't even get to finish her sentence as unperturbed Cebrail simply stuck her hand into the lake causing her to be bombarded by holy power once again.

Even as an Angel such an immense amount of raw holy power was able to damage her. In truth the only reason she was alive was BECAUSE she was an Angel.

(Is Solomon's Ring attempting to bypass Excalibur's rule?) Viviane wonder she hadn't ever met Solomon personally however based on the stories and how Solomon's Rings gave its wearer something akin to the authority of a god, on a much lesser scale of course, it might just be possible.

(She's trying to take Excalibur??? I thought Excalibur was destroyed?)

Frowning due to being unable to find what she's looking for Cebrail sticks her other hand in paying no mind to the pain.

Both Viviane and Elmenhilde watched this scene with an immense amount of interest.

Viviane was especially curious. She had been here for a very long time and had seen several of Arthur's very own descendants completely fail to even find this place, much less take on the challenge of getting the sword to come to their hand willingly.

Elmenhilde was curious because Excalibur was THAT SWORD you know? Like some people are just THAT GUY and anyone that could get Excalibur wouldn't just be THAT GUY. They would be THE GUY, there would be no doubt, nor arguing against it.

"Hmm?" Cebrail's hands latched onto something surprising both of the other girls and even all of the rowdy and childish Fairies went completely silent as everyone leaned in closer.

"Hup!" Cebrail hoisted something out of the water. It was a short sword or dagger with a thick triangle shaped blade. "I thought this was supposed to be a dagger. Why is it almost as big as my arm?"

Cebrail wasn't going to admit that the sword was big, she was just small any time soon.

The weapon was the little known dagger of King Arthur. A weapon that was always overshadowed by his legendary holy spear and of course his legendary holy sword Excalibur.

Its name was Carnwennan.

"Oh…When did that get in there?" Viviane said with a sweat drop. Even she has forgotten that such a weapon existed, in fact she was almost certain that she had sold it to that greedy red headed merchant girl that was in love with her sisters.

"Emmy we're leaving." Cebrail stood up and brushed herself off casually as though taking the semi legendary weapon was no big deal at all.

"A-Alright!" Elmenhilde chased after the Seraphim Princesses back as though she were a dog.

(Wait when did I become a loyal dog~ ah even without her Royal Authority the way she treats me is more than enough!) Elmenhilde thought with hearts floating out of her head.

Indeed she came to the epiphany that Cebrail had already tamed this little Vampire.

"Child of Adam, before you go allow me to offer you a piece of advice." Viviane's voice came softly like a whisper from behind the two young girls just as they were just about to reenter the main part of the forest. "Your Sacred Gear, remember not to over do it yes? It is very important, or perhaps it's better to say that it once was very important to us Fairies. So long as you take care of her I'm certain that she'll be capable of making your dreams come true."

"So you stopped me to say nothing at all? Got it." Cebrail turned around and began walking once again, she had grown pretty tired of the vagueness of all the adults that speak to her.

"You children these days, you always want to be given the answer and the reward instantly. Puuuu~" Viviane let out a deep sigh as Cebrail disappeared into the bushes. "I simply hope that you don't have to meet those usurpers Titania and Oberon until you've ready."

Viviane by no means disliked Cebrail in fact she found it pretty nice to have a relative visit and it was even nicer to see her old friend even if her form was quite a bit different."