Two swords hit each other, producing sparks while the two swords women looked at each other, analysing each other's moves before they backed away. Wonderwoman narrowed her eyes as she looked at Sentry, trying to figure out what he next move was. She was usually good at predicting what her opponents would do next when in combat but Sentry was different.
"You seem lost, honey?" Sentry taunted her, twirling the sword in her hand playfully.
"I'm not lost, just trying to figure you out," Wonderwoman said back. With a frustrated grunt, she pounced towards Sentry and gave an overhead slash. Sentry blocked it with one hand but Diana had used so much strength the ground below her cracked as he feet sank in. Diana smiled cunningly as she threw a kick towards Sentry's stomach only for her to dodge backwards, her feet digging a small terrace on the ground before she got out and flew towards her, a feral smile on her face.
Two swords kept on hitting each other, producing shockwaves that sent everything flying away from the two. Diana was adamant in defeating her but Sentry was learning, learning how to hold a sword better and deadlier. Diana was a seasoned warrior, her moves very much swift, powerful and to her, quite enchanting. Her five thousand years of living in an island filled with warrior women had horned her battle skills to a point where she is living weapon even without her sword that can cut through atoms.
Suddenly, Diana threw her off her game by deflecting her sword slightly to the left. But with the strength and speed she had swung it, she almost made a full 360 turn. Diana capitalized on that moment, sweeping her off her feet and quickly getting on her, restraining her hands on the ground.
"You win, again!" Cass told Diana who smiled back before she leaned in and kissed her gently in her lips. Cass reciprocated, kissing back just a gently but when she tried to move her hands, Diana's vice like grip was holding her restrained.
"Ah ah, as the world of men says, to winner goes the spoils," Diana gently told her. Cass used her superior strength and speed to quickly pin her down herself.
"Well, we are in your world so the spoils to the greater warrior," Cass told her with a provoking smile. Diana just sighed in resignation as she knew she was not strong enough to get her hands free. But those were not the only limbs she could use. She quickly wrapped her legs round her waist, hoisting herself up. She gave Cass a challenging smirk.
"You trying to arouse me?" Cass scoffed before she leaned in and gave Diana a french kiss. "Cause it's working."
The two continued kissing, tearing each other's clothes till they lay naked on each other. Diana was the inexperienced of the two, letting Cass take the lead and she made sure she had the lead capitalized to the Z. She vibrated her left hand and put it on her open flower. Diana stiffened as if an electric shock just passed through her body. Her eyes widened as pleasure overcame her entire body, sending waves and waves into her brain, making her skin have goosebumps!
Cass was dutifully kissing her before noticing she had stopped responding to the kisses so she went down, lovingly kissing her neck and got to her perky breasts. She got hold of one mound with her right hand as she sucked on the left one. She made her tongue flexible and long, wrapping it around Diana's nipples and licking the tip while squeezing it. Diana squaled as her entire body shuddered, signalling Cass that she was just cum.
"Great Aphrodite, how do you do that?" the Amazon princess asked, breathing heavily. Due to her stamina, she was usually not satisfied whenever her and Steve made love. She had also gone into celibacy since he died till she met Sentry. It was probably love at first sight when the two fought against a demi god sent by Ares to defeat and kill Wonderwoman. The demi god was strong, powered by the power of two sky father lev gods but they did the job.
"We're not done yet," Cass said as she manipulates her blonde hair to braid itself behind her. Diana looked at her wide-eyed as she used her biokinesis to turn her clitoris into a functioning penis. The mass throbbed in anticipation, making Diana frown at the size of it.
"I thought we were going to use a strap on?" the Amazoness asked.
"Well, this way we both get what we want," Cass said, kissing her reassuringly. She is then pushed the cock inside her, making Diana's back leave the ground as if her soul had just been yanked out of her chest. Her eyes widened as she stared back at Cass's pale blue ones. Cass lifted her into the lotus position and let her take the led.
Due to this being her first time taking such huge thing, Diana started off slow. She was pushing herself into Cass's body as she did this, slowly picking up speed. Soon, it came the part where a superhuman should be forbidden to ever have sex with a normal person. The ground started shaking with each downwards push she made. The ground below them slowly started sinking while tremors spread to the entire island.
Cass and Diana were breathing hard as the princess continued riding, kissing Cass's neck tenderly. Cass then pushed her to the ground, lifted her leg onto her shoulder and started thrusting in her own. The Amazon was tight, sending shudders down her spine that just turned her on even more.
Diana felt a dam of pleasure building up and she forced to slam herself on ol in order for the pleasure to speed up. When it reached a critical point, it all exploded making her push Cass away, rubbing her vagina rapidly. She squirted, as he whole body squirmed, her eyes receding into her eyelids. When she was done, she just lay there breathing heavily.
Cass was not done on her part so she pushed on, entering back into Diana, causing the Amazon to open her eyes wide. Cass took the lead again, laying her on her stomach and started fucking her with all she got. Diana tried to moan but she just couldn't. Her entire body clenched up, making Cass's cock feel like it would be crushed to a pulp but she soldiered on, the waves of pleasure make her come to her critical outburst.
Diana was the first to once again cum, slamming her fists onto the ground, digging them deeper into the crater as her vagina clenched and unclenched onto the cock inside of it. That sent Cass over the edge and her entire body shuddered as her vagina squirted, making her lay on Diana. The two continued breathing heavily for a minute before Cass got off her, the cock already gotten rid off. Diana kissed her lovingly.
"That was the best sex," she said, laying her head on Cass's chest, her fingers playing with her nipples while Cass was rubbing her back. "How long do you have till the children come back?"
"One of the children is older than me but I will know when they are back and I will teleport to the cave," Cass said. Diana grinned mischievously.
"You will always be my baby," she said, kissing her right boob. Cass looked at her with playfully narrowed eyes.
"I think the world of men is corrupting you, princess," she said before jumping on her, causing Diana to squael cutely. "I like it." She kissed her as Diana's fingers crept to her vagina.
"It's my turn!" she said as she started fingering her.