Chapter 12: Trouble Is There As Well.

Chapter 12: Trouble is there as well.

I walk towards the door, taking slow steps towards the front porch as I see Adam sitting beside a flower pot.

"Hey, about what I said in there, I didn't mean it. I was way out of line." I say as I sit beside him.

"Okay." He says, unaffected by my words.

"Okay? I'm sorry." I tell him.

"Apology not accepted. We're supposed to be friends, Vee." He says, staring at me.

"You chose Courtney over me. You picked a side. You are my friend, not Courtney's. Courtney is taking everything I have away from me. She has Zachary, now she has you, I don't want to be alone." I reveal.

"That's the problem. You're not the only human being on planet earth." He tells me.

"I'm not?" I ask him, sarcastically.

"Don't play with me." He says, chuckling.

"I'm sorry for talking about your parents like that. I understand if you don't want to be friends with me anymore. What I did was degrading and unforgivable." I tell him.

"It was, but I can't just throw years of friendship away because of a stupid fight." He says, smiling.

"Come here." I tell him.

He leans into my body and I wrap my arms around him.

"I love you, Marshmallow Greg." I say, calling him by the nickname I gave him in the seventh grade.

"The feeling is mutual, Spaghetti Stacy." He says, smiling.

I let go of him as he turns to face me.

"Now, let's go inside and have fun." He screams.

"Yes please." I say, piling after him.

We walk into the house and everyone immediately stares looking at us.

"What? You haven't seen two best friends before." I ask and they all cheer.

We walk over to the sofa we were sitting on and I sit beside Blake.

"You guys made up?" Hannah asks.

"Yeah." We say at the same time.

I flash Adam a smile.

"Well, that's good. Meanwhile, Hannah and I will be upstairs doing some making up of our own." Chad says, standing up.

He drags Hannah's hand and she turns around to wave at us.

"Eww." Adam says, beside me.

"I'm so bored." I say as I lean back into my chair.

"Well, your boredom just ended. Look who just walked in." Blake tells me.

I shoot my eyes up and I see Zachary.

Damn, he looks good.

He is dressed in a maroon muscle tee and black jeans. His dark curly hair blocks his right eye.

"Good for him." I tell Blake.

Courtney appears beside Zachary and my heart sinks in my chest.

"What did you expect? He already told you that he liked Courtney." My subconscious says.

She's right though.

If Zachary likes her then I'm happy for him.


"Hey." Zachary says, standing in front of me.

"Hmm." I hum, looking up at him.

"How's the party going?" He asks, staring at me.

I'm about to reply when De'Andre walks into the living room and says "Yo, you were sick out there today man. You're the main reason we won that game."

"Thanks man." Zachary says, smiling.

God, he has such a beautiful smile.

"Wanna do some shots?" De'Andre asks Zachary.

"Sure." Zachary says as he follows De'Andre.

"Pathetic." Adam says.

"What?" I ask, innocently.

"You still like him." He points out.

"No, I don't. And besides, he likes Courtney now." I inform him.

"Liar, you still want Zachary." He says, as my phone rings.

It's Spencer.

His timing is always off.

I answer the call.

"Hey." He says.

"Hi." I yell, trying to talk over the loud music.

"Where are you?" He asks.

"At a friend's party." I tell him.

"I'm actually on my way to a party too. We have that in common." He says, laughing nervously.

"Cool." I tell him, as I look behind me and I see Zachary talking to Courtney in the kitchen.

She has the biggest smile on her face.


"Well, I'm driving, I'll call you later." He says.

"Sure." I reply, ending the call.

"Who was that?" Adam asks, staring at me.

"Spencer." I say, dryly.

"No way. Like your ex-boyfriend Spencer?" He asks.

"Yes. And it's not a big deal." I tell him.

"Well, it just became a big deal." Adam says, pointing at the front door.

Spencer is standing at the door looking as hot as the sun.

Poor reference but he looks smoking.

I walk over to him with a smile on my face.

He tries to kiss me on the cheek but I give him a handshake instead.

"So, this is the party you were on your way to?" I ask him.

"Yeah, I'm friends with De'Andre, he invited me over." He informs me.

"Well, De'Andre is in the kitchen." I tell him, taking his hand in mine as we walk to the kitchen.

Everyone stares at our locked fingers.

"Yo, Spence you made it." De'Andre says.

"Yeah." He says, adjusting the cap he had on.

Zachary's gaze has shifted to me now.

"How do you know Spencer?" De'Andre asks me.

"He's my ex-boyfriend." I tell him, with a smile on my face.

"Oh really? And from the look of things, I see you guys are trying to rekindle the old flame." He says, pointing at our hands.

"Maybe." I reply, biting my bottom lip.

Zachary walks out of the kitchen with Courtney.


"Your turn." Chad tells me.

We were playing truth or dare, I mean what's a teenage party without this game.

The players include me, Zachary, Courtney, Hannah, Blake, Adam, Ryan, De'Andre, Sasha, and Spencer.

"Truth or dare, loser." Courtney says, from the other side of the circle.

I flip her the finger and I gulp.

"Dare." I say, smiling at her.

"I dare you to make out with Spencer for five seconds." Courtney says, with a taunting smile.

I grab Spencer by his shirt and I pull him closer to me.

I kiss him slowly, just to put on a show.

Spencer grabs my face, deepening the kiss.

"Ahem." Zachary coughs and we stop kissing. "She said five seconds, not five hours." He continues, eyeing Spencer.

"Why do you care so much?" I ask him, shifting closer to Spencer.

"I don't." He tells me, looking away.

This boy.

"Zachary, it's your turn." Blake tells him.

"Pass." He says, before taking a swig from the bottle of beer in front of him.

"Dude, you can't pass. It'll kill the game." De'Andre says.

"Truth." He blurts out.

"Have you ever been in love?" Ryan asks him.

"No. I have never been in love." He says, looking right at me.


Way to go, Zachary.


"Alright, this game is dead." Adam says, standing up. "I'm going home." He says, yawning.

"Me too." Hannah says, getting up from the ground.

"Well, thank you guys for coming. It was nice hanging out and meeting you, Spencer." Blake says.

Spencer smiles at him.

I lift my body from the floor and I dust myself.

Everyone that was once seated is up and grabbing their things.

Courtney whispers something into Zachary's ear and he smirks at her before she ruffles his hair.

I'm so jealous.

"Do you want a ride?" Spencer asks.

"Yes please." I tell him, grabbing my purse.

"But first I need to use the ladies' room." I tell him and he nods.

"Here, hold this for me." I say, giving him my purse.

I walk to the restroom and I enter one of the stalls.

I sit on the toilet and I make it rain.


After I'm done peeing, I walk to the sink and wash my hands with soap. Courtney enters the restroom and I look at the mirror in front of me, scanning my features.

"Well, would you look who it is? Cinderella herself." She says, sending a fake smile my way.

I ignore her.

"Spencer's a hunk, huh. So built and muscular. I see that's your type. Because Zachary is muscular too." She says, folding her arms.

"What do you want?" I ask her, irritated.

"I want you to know how Zachary begged me to help him forget the sight of you and Spencer. How he kissed me like I was the only girl he's ever been with. The way he wrapped my legs around his body, the hickeys he gave me..." She says, trailing off.

"Bullshit." I say, calling her out on her shit.

"Oh, you don't need to believe me, but you know that birthmark beside his neck, the one when you touch it, it drives him totally crazy?" She asks, staring at me.

I want to puke so bad right now.

"You don't know it, do you?" She says, laughing.

"Virgin." She quips.

"You know what-" I say, but she cuts me off.

"Save it. What you're going to say will have no impact on me whatsoever. So, don't bother." She says, shrugging.

I walk out of the restroom, brushing my shoulder past hers as I leave.

I walk out of the house and I am met with commotion.

Zachary is on top of Spencer, throwing punches at his cute face. Cracking his jaw.

Oh My God.

I rush over to the scene, making my way past the crowd. Just like every teenage party, there must be a fight. And a girl separating it.

This shit is too cliché.

I rush over to Zachary to try to yank him off Spencer, and in the process, Spencer gets on top of him, which results in my body being tossed to the side. I scrape my forearm on the concrete and I wince at the sight of blood.

"Look what you've done to her." They both say at the same time.

You know what, fuck this.

I hear a few cracks before the sirens.

I can't tell if it's the police or the ambulance, but I figure out that it's the police.

Two teenage boys are fighting, no one's going to call an ambulance.

The officers grab Spencer off Zachary and handcuff him and put him in a police car.

The same is done to Zachary.

I told you this boy is a trouble magnet.

Wherever he is, trouble is there as well.