Chapter 15: Bedroom.

Chapter 15: Bedroom.

Zachary let the mother of his child get an abortion. I can't wrap my head around this.

"Why? How could you let that happen?" I ask him, waiting for him to respond.

"She was too young to have a baby and both of our parents agreed that it was the best way to deal with the situation." Zachary says, running a hand through his hair, with his other hand in his pocket.

"The best way to handle the situation? What if she died?" I ask him, raising my voice.

"But she didn't." He says, holding my hand.

"When did this happen?" I ask him, curiosity getting the best of me.

"Eight months ago." He says and I stare at him with wild eyes.

"Wait, this is recent?" I ask in shock.

This happened two months before I got back. This person is definitely in this town.

I'm going to find her.

"Do I know her?" I ask him.

"No, you don't. She doesn't even live in this town." He says, rolling his eyes.

"I feel sad all of a sudden." I tell him.

"Well, don't be. It's all good now. You're the only person I want to have a baby with anyway." He says, tucking a loose strand of my hair behind my ear.

A car horn ruins the moment.

"That's me." I tell him.

"Goodnight, Val." He says, letting go of my hand.

"Goodnight Trouble." I tell him as I walk to the car.

I take one last glance at Zachary who is watching me before I enter the car.


"Why did your parents choose to name you Valarie with an 'A' in the middle, instead of Valerie with an 'E' in the middle?" Adam asks me, stealing a French fry from my plate.

House Of Cubes was packed today. Every booth was filled, even the tiny one by the toilet.

"I don't know, they were trying to be creative I guess." I say with nonchalance.

When I was younger, I just assumed my parents couldn't spell.

"By messing up a perfectly good name?" He asks, staring at me in confusion.

"I don't know Adam, just eat your fries." I say, yelling at him.

"Fine, but I'm taking your soda for yelling at me." He says, reaching across the table and grabbing my soda.

"Baby." I say, pouting at him.

"Child." He replies, sticking his tongue out at me.

"What are we doing?" Adam says, chuckling.

"I don't even know." I reply, smiling at him.

The bell at the door rings as Spencer walks into the restaurant.

A couple gets up from their booth and leave the restaurant.

Well, this is awkward.

I haven't seen Spencer since his big brawl with Zachary.

Our eyes meet and I smile at him. He just nods and turns the other way. So, I guess he's mad at me.

"What are you looking at?" Adam says, staring at me.

"Spencer's here." I tell him. He snaps his head back and stares at Spencer, who is in a booth with some chick. She laughs at what he just said as she touches his arm.

Show off.

"Whoa, who's that girl." He asks me.

"How would I know?" I reply, rolling my eyes.

"But you're his ex-girlfriend." He says, raising an eyebrow at me.

"I'm his ex girlfriend, which means that I used to know, what was happening in his life. Used to. I don't know anymore." I say, screaming at him.

"Okay crazy, let's go." Adam says, grabbing his jacket from the table.

I grab my phone and my purse and I slide out of the booth.

Spencer's eyes are on me as I walk from the booth to the front door.

"He's still in love with you." Adam says once we are outside.

"I know." I tell him.

"Hey, did you know that Zachary got some girl pregnant like eight months ago?" I ask him and he stares at me in awe.

"No way." He says, staring at me like I was making this up.

"Yes way." I tell him.

We get inside the car and Adam turns on the AC.

"This heat sucks." He comments.

"Tell me about it." I reply.

"So, who did Zachary knock up?" He asks me, as he backs out of the parking lot.

We almost hit a parking meter on our way out.

"I don't know, and he says she doesn't live in Langston." I inform him.

"This whole story is wild." He says, turning left.

"The girl got an abortion." I tell him, and he stares at me with his mouth wide open.

A truck blares its horn at us and I slap Adam on his head.

"Drive Bimbo." I scream.

"Sorry." He says, taking his attention back to the steering wheel.

"I mean why would she get an abortion? Who knows, she would have been a great mum." He says, stopping at a red light.

"She wasn't ready I guess. Let's not talk about this anymore. I don't want to think about this shit. I just want to move on and get my life together." I tell him.

The car starts moving again and Adam takes a right turn.

"And what better place to do that than your house." He says grinning at me.

"You can't get rid of me that easily." I tell him, folding my arms.

"Get out of my car." He says, with a smile on his face.

"Asshole." I say as I grab my purse.

I get out of the car and I wave Adam goodbye.


"I'll go get some chocolate chips." I tell Hannah.

Hannah and I are at the grocery store, shopping for baking ingredients. Since we decided to bake cookies today, we had to do the shopping.

I turn into aisle eight and I scan the condiments on the shelf as I pass by them. I see a bag of chocolate chips and I grab them. I turn to go when I hit someone.

"Oh my gosh, I am so sorry." I tell the person.

The girl I just hit holds her arm in pain.

"I am incredibly sorry. It was not intentional." I continue.

"It's fine." She says, turning around to face me.

Her swollen stomach is now in full view.

"Whoa. Your bump is huge." I tell her.

"Yeah, I'm seven months in." She says, staring at her baby bump with a smile on her face.

"That's great. I'm Valarie by the way." I say, smiling.

"My name's June." She says, smiling at me.

"Well, it was nice meeting you. I have to get back to my friend now." I tell her before I walk away.

I meet up with Hannah who is in the checkout line.

"What took you so long? You've been there since 2012." She exaggerates.

"I bumped into someone and I hurt her hand. She was pregnant." I tell her, raising an eyebrow.

"Stop it Val. Not every pregnant person you meet is Zachary's baby mama. And besides, he told you that she got rid of it." Hannah says, moving to the front of the line.

"I know but what if she's-" I try to say but she cuts me off.

"She doesn't live here, Val. You'll never find her. Just drop it." Hannah yells.

"Now, help me put these things on the counter, so we can check out and leave." She adds.

I help her unload the trolley and we pay and walk out of the store.

The drive home is silent and uncomfortable. I am so glad when we pull up at Hannah's house. I carry the bags inside the house and I place them on the island in the kitchen.

"Do you want one?" Hannah asks, from behind me.

"Want what?" I reply, turning around.

Hannah holds a bunch of grapes in her hand and she waves them at me.

"I'm good, thanks." I reply dryly.

"Well, I'll start making the cookie batter while you pre-heat the oven." Hannah tells me, dishing out orders.

The tension in this room is so high.

I feel like anything I do irritates her.

I do my assigned task and I watch her as she mixes the batter.


"These are really good." I tell Hannah, as I sit on the bean bag chair in her room.

"I am a certified pro after all." Hannah boasts.

Hannah wants to become a high-class chef like Gordon Ramsey, and I have to say she's on the right track.

"You should make these for Chad. How is he by the way?" I ask her.

"Um, he's good. We haven't really talked much this week." She reveals.

"Why?" I ask her and she stares at me in frustration.

"I cheated on him." She says, biting her fingernails.

Bitch what?

"What? When?" I ask her, in total confusion.

I thought things were good between them.

"At this party I went to. With Sasha." She says, touching her forehead.


Bad influence.

Rings a bell.

"Sasha. Why would you even go anywhere with her?" I ask my best friend, who is staring at me with regret in her eyes.

"She's my friend, and it seemed like a good idea at the time." Hannah tells me, massaging her temples.

"Looking at Chad's controversial past, you'd think that he'd be the cheater." I say, flipping my hair to the side.

"I know, I messed up. How can I fix it?" She asks me, holding my hand.

"Call him." I tell her, eating a cookie.

"I tried. He blocked me." She tells me, with sad eyes.

"Wow. That's...tough." I blurt out.

"But did you ever think that the reason Sasha took you to that party in the first place was to sabotage you and Chad's relationship?" I continue.

"What do you mean?" Hannah asks me.

"What I mean is, what if Sasha made you go to that party, so you could hook up with some guy, and then she'll have Chad to herself? What if she's not over him?" I speculate.

"You may be right. But we're friends, Vee." She tells me.

This girl.

"Three weeks ago you didn't even talk to her. Now suddenly 'you're friends'." I yell.

"What do you want me to do?" Hannah asks me, frustrated.

"You need to fix your shit." I reply before I walk out of her bedroom.