Chapter 21: A wedding.

Chapter 21: A wedding.

I scroll through the channels that the hotel has and they are horrible.

I stumble on one where a horse is giving birth to its young and I almost vomit the ice cream in my mouth.

I'm bored.

As usual.

I've been checking my phone for the past five minutes now, hoping I'll hear a beep and see a message from Zachary.

It never comes.

Why am I so obsessed with this human?

Today is my last day in Mexico and I want to do something fun, but I'm here alone and I don't know where to go, or what to do.

I Google fun things to try in Mexico and the first thing I see is motorboating.

There's no way in hell that I'm doing that.

I lay around on my bed for about thirty minutes till I finally decide that I'm going motorboating.

You only live once.

"I just need to get this and this." I say to myself as I grab my keys and my phone.

I lock my door and I put my room key in my pocket.

I enter the elevator and I am about to press the close button when a hand reaches into the elevator.

A blonde boy with a little stubble on his chin gets inside the elevator. He presses the button and the elevator goes down.

I just shift awkwardly on my foot.

"Hey." The boy says to me.

"Hi." I whisper.

"I'm Brandon." He tells me. "Brandon Baxter." He adds.

"Valarie." I tell him as I tuck my hair behind my ear. "Valarie Stone."

"You're really pretty." He says, staring at me.

Before I can reply the elevator dings and I step out.

Brandon starts walking beside me.

"So, where are we going?" He asks me.

"I'm going to buy a swimsuit." I tell him.

I know I shouldn't be telling my business to a stranger, but I'm bored.

"Can I come?" He asks, giving me a lopsided grin.

"Sure." I reply.

We walk to the store in silence and we get there ten minutes later

"Excuse me, I'd like to buy a swimsuit." I tell the lady that I see standing in the store.

"Then buy one, do I look like I work here?" She yells at me.

Oops, she's a customer.

"As a matter of fact, you do." Brandon says behind me.

Oh, it's about to go down.

"Young man, have you no manners? You're so rude." The lady scoffs.

"I do have manners, but I prefer to use them on people who are worthy of them. Not old hags like you." He tells her and I just stand there stunned.

A minute later we're asked to leave the store for 'causing a ruckus.'

"Oh my God, that was intense." I tell Brandon.

"I know right?" Brandon says, sighing.

"You're a troublemaker." I joke.

"Glad I could be of service." He says, saluting.

"You got us kicked out of that store and I don't have a swimsuit and I have to go motor boating today." I nag.

"Well, look on the bright side." He says.

"What's the bright side?" I ask him.

"You get to hang out with me." He says, smiling.

"No, thank You. I have enough trouble in my life." I tell him.

He laughs beside me.

"C'mon, what could possibly go wrong?" He asks me.

"A lot of things." I tell him.

"Okay, how about we go out for lunch? We could get tacos and some fries. Whatever you want." He tells me.

"That actually sounds nice." I tell him.

"So?" He says, waiting for my response.

"No." I say with a smile on my face.

"Oh, you know you want to." He pesters on.

"We just met and besides, I don't trust you." I tell him.

"Trust takes years to build. We have time." He says looking into my eyes.

And in that moment, I am speechless. He's really cute. He leans into me and I can feel his hot breath against my skin.

"Say yes, Valarie." He tells me and I gulp.

"Make me." I tell him.

That statement earns me a kiss from him.

"Why did you do that?" I ask him after I pull away.

"Why wouldn't I?" Is his reply. "So lunch or..." he trails off, making me laugh.


I'm leaving Mexico today. It's been great staying here these past few days. I'm going to miss the beautiful scenery.

"Leaving already?" I hear Brandon say behind me.

I turn to look at him, he is dressed in a white tux. He looks really snazzy.

"Going somewhere?" I ask him as I walk over to where he is standing.

"Yes. Sadly, I'm a groomsman at my sister's wedding." He groans.

"You say it like it's a bad thing." I say, running my fingers through his blonde hair.

Zachary has black hair. His hair is as dark as his soul. And the way it curls at the front just makes you want to...

Okay, I need to stop thinking about Zachary.

"Have you met my family?" He says, chuckling.

"I'd love to meet them." I tell him.

He pulls me close to him.

"Come with me." He whispers.

"What?" I ask him, even though I heard him clearly.

"Be my date. I really want you there and you want to meet my family." He says, smirking.

"I can't. I have to leave." I tell him, cupping his face in my hands.

"Stay." He says, his hot breath fanning my face.

He is dangerously close to me and for some reason, I don't stop him.

Well, it's not like I have a boyfriend.

"But I'm in love with someone else." My subconscious tells me

"I-" I try to complete my sentence but he presses his lips on mine.

"Sorry. I couldn't help it." Brandon says, smiling.

"Alright. I'll go." I tell him. "Let me change first." I add.

He nods and leaves the room.

That was something else, but why do I feel guilty for kissing him?

Zachary probably kisses Stephanie all the time.

I pick a black dress from my suitcase. It has a V-shaped neckline and it stops right above my knee. It has long sleeves and an opening at the back.

This dress screams SCANDALOUS.

I pair it with black knee-high boots. I look like I'm going clubbing instead of a wedding. I go all out for my make-up. I do a glitter eyeshadow with winged eyeliner. I stare at myself in the mirror and I have to say, I look smoking. I text Brandon to let him know that I'm ready before I put my phone in my clutch. I walk out of my hotel room and I wait for him in front of my door. A few minutes later, I see Brandon walking towards me. He stares at me with his mouth wide open.

"You look great. Really great." He says, smiling.

"Thank you." I tell him, as I tuck a strand of hair behind my ear.


I am trying to flirt.

"Let's be on our way then." He says and I nod.

We walk to his car which is parked in front of the hotel. It's a white Rolls Royce.

He opens the door for me and I get in. The leather seats are so comfortable. This is really nice.

"I like your car." I tell him as he gets inside the car.

"Thank you. It was a present from my mom." He says with pride.

"How sweet." I comment.

I am silent for the rest of the ride. Not because it's awkward, but because I really don't feel like talking.

We get to the wedding and I have to say rich people have it good.

Look at how ironic that sounds.

Some rich people do not have it good.

I hate my life.

Brandon introduced me to his mom. She was really nice. The ceremony goes on just fine and now it is time for the reception.

The reception is being held in a tent beside the garden where the ceremony was held.

I sat alone at the table, Brandon had to attend to an emergency. So, here I am at a wedding I didn't invite myself to, sitting alone.

I look down at my phone and I check the time, it's 6:35 pm. I'm starting to get tired, we got here at 1:35 pm.

It's literally been five hours.

"I'm sorry for making you wait." I hear Brandon say beside me.

"I was starting to get bored." I tell him.

"Well, I want you to meet my cousin. C'mon let's go." He says helping me stand up.

These boots are really high, my legs are killing me.

We walk over to where the wedding train is seated. There is a man standing there and Brandon taps him.

"Hey man." He says, tapping his shoulder.

The man turns and time stands still.

That "man" is Zachary.

I kid you not, I think I just peed my pants.

He smiles at me and I look away.

"Zachary, this is Valarie. She's my date." Brandon says with a grin on his face.

If only this boy knew.

"Hi." I say waving my hand at Zachary.

"It's nice to meet you." Zachary says, smiling. "I gotta go now." He says before he just walks off.

That was weird.

That was a disaster.