Chapter 27: Date.

Chapter 27: Date.

Valarie's POV.

Devon and I have been texting non-stop for weeks on end. We even went on a date last week. I finally feel like I have control over my feelings. I guess with Zachary, it wasn't that he wasn't good to me, it was just the fact that anytime we made progress in our relationship something else would drag us backward. I guess even if we love each other, we have to let go because we're not meant to be.

"You can't wear that." Hannah says, shaking her head.

I called up Hannah a few days ago and we squashed the whole "beef" we had. We couldn't be mad at each other anymore, especially when we were both leaving for college soon.

"You need to make him want you." She says, talking with her hands.

"Want me how?" I ask her, laughing.

"Want to rip your clothes off." She says, smirking.

"Well, that's a little bit extreme." I say, laughing.

"And we're just going to the café down the street. I don't think going va va voom will suit the occasion." I tell her.

"Okay, fine. You can wear the red sundress and Fendi slides." She suggests.

"Not bad. Now was that so hard?" I ask her, chuckling.

I try on the outfit Hannah suggested. It shows a little cleavage, but it's not inappropriate.

"How do I look?" I ask her before I look in the full-length mirror.

"You look good." She says, shrugging.

My phone rings and I see that it's Devon calling.

"Who is it?" Hannah asks me.

"It's Devon." I tell her.

I pick up the phone and I put it on loudspeaker as I place it on the dresser.

"Hey, are you ready?" He asks.

"Yeah." I tell him, fixing my makeup.

"Well, I'm almost there. I can't wait to see you." He says and my stomach flutters. Hannah raises her eyebrow, and I just shrug.

"Okay. Text me when you get here." I tell him.

"Okay, see you soon." He says before he hangs up.

"What was that about?" Hannah asks raising her eyebrow at me.

"I don't know." I tell her as I apply pink lip gloss.

"You don't know. You guys are basically married." She says, over exaggerating the whole thing.

"Way to be extra, Hannah." I tell her. My phone dings and I see Devon's text which reads "I'm outside."

"He's here." I tell her.

"I gotta see what he looks like." Hannah says, getting up from the bed.

"Well, let's go then." I tell her as I put my phone in my purse.

We head downstairs, then out the door. Devon's Ferrari is parked out front. I have to say, I'm impressed.

"He's cute." Hannah says as we walk to his car. "Tall too." She adds.

"Hey." Devon says, smiling. "You look amazing."

This old thing.

"Thanks to me." Hannah says. "I'm Hannah. Valarie's best friend." She tells him.

"Nice to meet you, Hannah. I'm Devon." He tells her.

"How tall are you?" She asks him out of curiosity.

"6'4." He replies.

Guess I was wrong when I said 5'11.

"Well, we have to go now." I tell Devon.

Hannah gets the point and waves us goodbye. Devon opens the door for me and gets in the car. He sits in the drivers seat and starts the car. The engine literally roars to life.

"That's sick." I tell him.

"You think so." He says. "Watch this." He says, turning the ignition again and it revs even louder.

"No wonder Ferrari is so hyped. I understand it now." I say, smiling.

"That's why I got one." Devon tells me.

I watch him drive for a little while before I ask "So, where are we going? Because we passed the café a while ago."

"It's a surprise. Have patience Larry." He tells me.

"Larry? What's that about?" I ask him, laughing.

"That's your new nickname. Do you like it? If you don't like it I can stop calling you that." He tells me with a serious look on his face.

"It's fine, I like it." I reply.

I do not like it.

"Oh really, what do you like about it then?" He asks me, taking a left turn.

"It's fun. It's fresh and it's new." I tell him and he smiles.

"You're something else, Larry." He says and we both laugh.

"I know." I say, shrugging.

"And we're here." Devon says, parking in the parking lot of some plain building.

"Where are we?" I ask him.

"You'll see." He tells me, getting out of the car.

He opens my door for me and I step out of the car. Looks like chivalry isn't dead after all.

He holds my hand and leads me to the entrance of the plain building. We walk in and I am met with the pop of color that the outside definitely lacks. Paintings are all over the entrance. A lady behind a desk speaks into her earpiece and I'm guessing she's the receptionist.

We walk to the receptionist's desk and Devon makes inquiries about whatever it is we're here for.

"4th floor." She says, clicking away on her computer.

"Thank you." Devon tells her as he takes my hand in his again as we enter the elevator. We head to the fourth floor and I'm surprised by what I see when the doors open. It's a pottery class. A couples pottery class. This is going to be fun.

"I've never done anything like this before." I tell Devon.

"Same." He admits beside me.

We walk over to our assigned station and we put our aprons on. I sit on the bench in front of the churn. Devon sits behind me, wrapping his arms around me.

"I could get used to this." He whispers in my ear.

"That tickles." I tell him and he kissed my neck.

"That too." I add.

"Okay. Today we're going to be making love objects. Objects that represent or are symbols of love to you and your partner." The blonde instructor says. Her hair is almost at her knees, and no, I'm not exaggerating.

"You may begin." She tells us and walks out of the room.

"Where do we start from? And what the hell are we going to make?" I ask Devon, nervously.

"Let's just see what the other couples do then we'll follow suit."

Thirty minutes later, Devon and I finished our piece. We made a key and a heart-shaped locket. And before you ask me anything, Devon did all the work. Apparently, he's done this a lot of times. He's really good.

"Do you think it looks good?" He asks me.

"It looks great." I tell him.

"Whew." He says letting out a sigh.

"What's wrong?" I ask him.

"I just wanted to impress you." He reveals.

"And you have." I tell him before I press my lips on his. He kisses me back, pulling me closer to his body.


Night falls and Devon drops me off. I walk up the porch steps and I smile at the thought of our little date today. I open the door and I see my mother standing in the hallway with a frown on her face.

"Where were you?" She asks me, folding her arms.

"I went on a date." I tell her as I start walking up the stairs.

"Don't walk away when I'm talking to you." My mother yells, trailing behind me.

I open my room door and I step inside, my mother tries to follow me, but I block her.

"This." I say pointing at the line in the door. "Is where I draw the line. Goodnight mother." I say, slamming the door in her face.


"What the fuck, Val?" I hear Zachary say as he slams his car door shut.

Here we go.

"What do you want?" I ask him, standing up from the chair I'm seated on. I walk down the porch steps and I face Zachary head-on.

"You went on a date with that nincompoop." He says in disgust.

Since when did Zachary say "Nincompoop."

"Several actually." I tell him, folding my arms.

"And there's nothing you can do about it." I tell him with a grin on my face.

"He's dangerous, Vee." He tells me in a serious tone.

"And you're not?" I ask him, chuckling.

"Get off my property, Henderson." I tell him.

"So, you don't want to listen to me." He says, staring at me.

"Yup." I tell him.

"Okay then. Just don't come looking for me when he breaks your heart." Zachary says before he hops back into his car.

"He can't break what's already broken. What you broke." I point out.

Zachary doesn't reply. Instead, he zooms off leaving a trail of dust in his wake.

Some nerve he has coming here with all that bull.

I head to my room and I text Hannah about the stunt Zachary just pulled. And she tells me that she actually sent him here. This is why I don't fuck with this bitch.

Well, I'm never talking to Hannah again. I hit Adam up and tell him everything. He says he'll be here in ten minutes.

Now, that's my friend.

Adam arrives with two sodas and a bag of chips in his hand.

"I come bearing gifts." He says, plopping his body on my bed.

"Indeed." I say as he hands me one soda.

"So, what's up with this Devon dude?" Adam asks me.

"Well, he's really nice. Has the most dreamy brown eyes." I say squealing over the thought of him.

"Someone's lovesick." Adam says, stuffing five chips in his mouth.

"Put a sock in it, Hendrix." I tell him and he laughs.

He grinds the chips in his mouth really close to my ear and I smack him at the back of his head.

"I'll kick your white ass out the door." I tell him and he pouts.

"I'm your greatest annoyance." He says, chuckling.

"That you are, my friend. That you are." I tell him.

"So, how was the date?" He asks me, taking another mouthful of chips.

"We went to this couple's pottery class. It was amazing." I tell him and he smiles.

"Looks like this one's gonna stick." He says, smiling

"It seems so." I say with flushed cheeks.