Anything About Clement

Wendy felt better as she looked around the park. There were many kids playing and having fun with their friends and parents. This was also the first time she and Michael held hands in the park.

"Look, aren't they Wendy Stewart and Michael Lucas?"

"I think so!"

"Have you seen the news today? Is it true, what the news said?"

"I don't think so. Wendy Stewart isn't someone like that. If so, why would Michael still be with her and treat her so well? I've always liked Corrine Swift's designs. I've bought some of them. I've read about her before, and she's indeed a very hard-working and talented designer. I just don't believe that someone like her would do something like that."

"Come on, we all know that Michael and Christian are competitors, so it's not surprising that they're trying to destroy each other's reputations. There are so many rumors circulating online. Nobody knows if they're real."