Wedding: Hannah Part II

I could vaguely hear Roman urging people away from me, but I couldn't hear anything that was being said through the sound of my sobs. I hated my father for making Freddy and Edward into what they had become. 

I didn't want to hate my brothers, but they had chosen my father's obvious instability over standing up for me. 

The only shred of my family that I had left was my sister, and if I didn't protect her, our father would take her too.

A few people tried to console me, but I pushed them away. "Please just leave me," I said, not remembering who had even been trying to console me. 

There was no way that I could walk into that wedding ceremony holding so much hurt inside of myself. I couldn't stop the tears from flowing. I never wanted any of this for myself, but my father forced it all on me, showing that he never really loved me. 

He didn't love Lori either, and I suspected he only cared for Freddy and Edward because he could use them so easily.