FBI: Roman Part I

The flight took less than three hours from the Bahamas to Maryland. We flew into a hangar in Silver Spring, MD where my driver waited for us. He drove us thirty minutes to the Ritz-Carlton in downtown Washington, D.C. to drop our luggage and freshen up before heading to the FBI headquarters. I checked in at the front desk and got our key cards for a stay in the Ritz-Carlton suite. When we arrived at our room, the staff unloaded our luggage, and I tipped them before they left. Hannah walked through the entry and out onto the patio to stare out over the city. I joined her.

"This is almost like reverse culture shock after being on the beach in the Bahamas," she said.

"It is," I agreed. "Do you still want to stay here while I meet with the FBI agents?" I asked her.

"No," she said quickly. "I'll go with you. What time is the meeting?"

"Whenever I decide to get there," I said. "I'm supposed to call when I arrive at the headquarters."