FBI: Hannah Part II

Clearly, Roman was eager to begin the investigation into The Auction House with the FBI agents, and although I wasn't nearly a thousand percent sure like Roman, I did want to help. After Roman shook the agents' hands, I shook their hands as well. I would rather be back in the Bahamas for three more days as opposed to the city life of Washington D.C.

"What is there to do here for three days?" I asked Marcus and Ed.

"Plenty," Ed offered. "I would highly recommend the Smithsonian Institution. That is, if you're into museums and art galleries. There's also a zoo."

"Sounds interesting," Roman said. I eyed him and his optimistic attitude. Roman smiled at me.

"There's also the historic monuments and memorials," Marcus added.

"There are performing arts theaters and city tours," Ed continued. "I'm sure you can find something you're interested in."

"When will we know more about the bodyguards?" I asked them.