Home: Roman Part II

Being at work with Marcus went more smoothly than I thought it would. He stopped for a moment to chat with the security guy that worked at the front desk on the floor where my office was located. The story about Lauren's recent (imaginary) stalker who had been threatening her and her family had gotten around the company, so no one questioned me about Marcus or paid him much attention. Marcus did a quick sweep of my office before allowing me to enter. He doubted that the phones would be tapped, and he suspected that I would likely be most vulnerable going to and from the front doors of the office building.

While I worked on my usual business transactions and accounts, I let Marcus use his laptop in my father's office since I didn't expect my father to show up for any reason. There was no need for Marcus to be in my space while I discussed personal matters about the business. Near the end of the workday, I received a text from Nick.