The Auction: Roman Part I

Marcus and I left the office around 5:30 in the evening and found a restaurant in town not far from the location of The Auction House. We got a private booth and ordered our meal before beginning our planning process.

"I got there late the night that Bernard took me to The Auction House," I told Marcus. "It was close to 11:00 that night, but they had already started, so they probably start around ten."

"That sounds pretty typical," Marcus said after taking a sip of his Diet soda. "We'll show up a little after ten and just act like patrons. Throw out a few false bids for some of the women."

"You want to actually bid?" I asked him.

"Sure," Marcus said between bites of his pasta. "Nothing serious, just give a few bids in the beginning when you know they're interested in one of the women."