The Rescued Woman: Roman Part I

The following morning, after the incidents and occurrences at The Auction House, I woke a little after nine AM to find Hannah's side of the bed empty. I rolled out of bed, showered, and dressed before I made my way downstairs. I could hear chatter and laughter from the kitchen before I even got halfway up the corridor. When I stepped into the doorway, I raised my eyebrows in surprise. I couldn't remember the last time that so many people were casually gathered together in my home. Ed and Marcus were both leaning against the kitchen island. Marcus was telling a story to the group of women gathered at the breakfast nook.

"I told Ed to stay home that day since he wasn't feeling well," Marcus was saying, "but he didn't want to miss the raid. He didn't tell me that he was sick with stomach issues."

"You don't have to tell this story, Marcus," Ed told him.