Kristin: Roman

The next morning, Hannah and I went down to breakfast to find Marcus and Ed having a discussion over coffee at the breakfast nook table.

"Mind if we join you?" I asked them.

"We could actually use your help," Marcus said. Intrigued, I sat down next to Marcus while Hannah requested breakfast from one of the kitchen staff and sat down across from me with a mug of coffee. "Naturally, there's no information on Jared Fitzgerald available in our system. No phone number or local address for over a year."

"Did you try calling his old number or visiting an old address?" Hannah asked Marcus and Ed.

"Phone number was disconnected," Ed told us. "We had a couple of officers go undercover to his last known addresses, but one place was empty and the other place was being rented by a family who claims to know nothing about Fitzgerald."

"Could the empty place be used as some sort of holding area?" I asked them. "Or a safe spot for quick meetings?"