Warrant III: Hannah

By the time morning had come, I really didn't feel like I had slept at all. After tossing and turning all night, and with the only brief moments of sleep being riddled with horrifying stress dreams, I had a headache and my body was sore. Sitting on the edge of the bed while I attempted to gather myself, I felt Roman's hands on my shoulders.

It was like he could read my mind. He began lightly massaging my shoulders, arms, and back. "How did you know I was sore?" I asked with a sleepy giggle.

"You tossed and turned all night," he explained with a frown. "It always makes me stiff and sore the next morning when that happens to me."

"Sorry if I kept you up," I frowned.

"You didn't. I just noticed a couple of times. It's alright, though. It's understandable given the circumstances," he replied.