Security Detail: Roman

There were no words to really put into perspective the agony I had felt in the hours of that evening. With every call that went through to voicemail, I was a little more convinced that my wife was dead. With every text that was ignored, I was a little more sure that Fitzgerald's men had already dropped her in the river or kicked her into a ditch. My heart was aching, my head was throbbing, and my feet were in pain from all of my pacing.

I made security play back the tapes again, and again, tying to spot any way people could have come in. It didn't occur to me until one of the guys mentioned it.

Hannah could have left of her own free will. It was seeming the more likely option. Especially considering what had taken place that morning, but she was out in the world without knowing she was in imminent danger. What if she was just walking around and Fitzgerald and his men found her?