A Trap: Roman

Despite what I told Hannah, I really loathed to go with the FBI team that had been set up for this particular raid and capture the real mastermind behind all of this.

I wanted to help, truly and genuinely, but the last thing I wanted to do right now was put myself in danger when Hannah and the rest of the family were so vulnerable at home. All I wanted to do was stay by her side, protect her, and watch her knowing she was safe by my side.

I sighed loudly as I got out of the sleek black car that had taken me to the destination of where our informer had told us the new Auction House was being held.

The rules were different this time, I noticed. Before I entered the main area where the girls were being kept, an identity check was given at a small desk. I looked at the fake ID that was given to me by the agency. I gave it to the clerk and watched as she went over it once.