The Visit: Hannah

I left Roman's room a little while after the events of his surgery to listen to what the doctor had to say about his condition. He was still asleep at the time that I left, and I had to wipe away the wet tears that had escaped my eyes as I stared down at him.

I knew my eyes were puffy when I left the room, and, from the look on Lori and Lauren's face as they cast me a quick glance my way, the rest of me didn't look too great, either. But that was the furthest thing from my mind as I listened to what the doctor had to say.

I walked up to Lori and Lauren and listened in as I stood next to them to what the doctor had to say, "Fortunately enough," he began, "the bullet did not puncture any vital organs, and the surgeon on call was able to remove it without causing internal damage."

I breathed out a sigh of relief. Things could have been worse. They could have gone and ended up in a far worse sort of situation, and I was glad that they hadn't.