A Cage: Hannah

The first thing I noticed when I began to wake up was the smell. It was like the stench of death itself had died. I tried not to gag as it sat at the back of my throat.

The smell was pungent, and I thought at that moment I may never smell a pleasant thing ever again. It certainly seemed that way from the way the horrible odor seemed to make its home in my nose and my throat.

The second thing I noticed was that it was dark. It was pitch-black and quiet, so quiet that I could hear the faint dripping sound of a faraway water source. Maybe it was a busted pipe, or maybe someone had left a tap running.

Whimpering sounded out next to me, but I could hardly see who it came from. My mind however, had a pretty good idea.

There were very few people and organizations who would dare sneak onto the property of Roman Thaddeus, never mind kidnap one of the inhabitants.