Kirsten: Roman

"Roman?" I turned away from Marcus after I hung up on the phone with Kirsten and saw Lori and Lauren walk up to us from the driveway where they had parked.

"We heard about what happened and came as soon as we could," Lori said. "Is she… Did they really… Please tell me it isn't true."

I saw the look in Lori's eyes. It was a familiar look. It was the same look I saw in Hannah's eyes many nights when I had caught her awake at the ungodly hours of the morning. Hannah would be sitting alone by herself, unable to sleep.

When I would ask her what was wrong, she was always hesitant to relay her nightmares to me. Weeks later, when the dreams would persist, she finally opened up to me. Hannah would tell me about the dreams she would have of the Auction House where instead of her standing on that stage it was Lori.