The Warehouse: Roman

My lips made a huge smacking sound against Kirsten's cheek as I planted a great kiss there. She made a noise of disgust that I barely registered before hopping out of the car.

She found it. I tried to contain the excitement and joy that was bubbling up within me as we pulled up in front to look out at an old and abandoned warehouse.

Bless her heaven-sent soul. Kirsten had led us by car through winding rounds and bushes, literally, and down backward alleys. But forty minutes later, we had found an old and abandoned warehouse close to the docks.

Once we had found it, it was easy not to miss it. The place was practically crawling with muscle who worked for the Auction House as either guards, security, or just lugging the girls back and forth from the place.

Marcus got out as soon as I did. Before Kirsten could even think about it, I told her to lock the car doors and head back home. She protested for moment before I stopped her.