Diving Deeper II: Hannah

"Are we really going scuba diving?" I asked Roman. I couldn't tell if I was more anxious or thrilled, but it was definitely a storm of emotions taking place in the pit of my stomach.

He squeezed my shoulder, "We'll start out with snorkeling, and if you are interested in taking the scuba lessons, we can stay longer. The equipment just all comes in one pack."

That was enough to calm all of the anxiety I had in me. Snorkeling was a great starting place. While I definitely didn't have a fear of water, staying underneath it for so long was nerve-wracking.

Everyone then followed the instructions of the leader to put on our wetsuits and flippers. As I took off my sarong and stepped into the legs of the wet suit, I felt eyes on me. For a moment, I shook it off and thought I was just being delusional. As I pulled on the tight-fitting fabric, however, the feeling grew so intense that I could feel exactly where they were looking at. The small of my back.