Splendid Day: Roman

With every passing day, I realized more and more how much I had needed that alone time with Hannah. We needed that time away after all we had been through to reconnect and relax. While I don't think I had ever felt out of sync with Hannah, it was like being there was fine tuning our frequencies to match. If our relationship was a garden, this was the time of fertilization. Repairing the damage from the harsh winter, and sewing the ground to ensure it would be a bountiful future.

Bountiful it would be. I looked at her and could see clearly my next five years. It was crystal clear, beautiful, and woven with love.

We only sipped our wine that night, since Hannah was worried about getting another hangover. After eating our dinner and dessert, we showered, readied for bed, and then found our way outside to the hammock for a little lounging time before going to sleep.