Sister Talk: Hannah

I arranged for Lori to come over the next day for lunch. I was grateful not just for the company, but also because I was dying for answers. When did she start talking to Freddy and Edward again? Was she content with it or was there tension she was also working through? It just didn't feel like a conversation to have on the phone.

I fluttered about the kitchen as Geoffrey prepared lunch. I could tell I was wearing on his nerves, but I was just trying to stay busy. There was nothing for me to do other than wait for Lori to arrive. My art piece was drying still, and I just didn't have the direction or motivation to start anything new. I tried not to think about how fleeting my passion for pottery had been, and how, once this lunch was done with Lori, I wouldn't have anything to do.

I couldn't be just mere days back from vacation and be that stir-crazy!