Family Dinner III: Hannah

All eyes were on me, and, for the first time all evening, I was glad for it. I wanted them all to hear what I had to say.

"Father never treated Lori and me with any respect. That's without question, because had there been a single fiber of respect for us as people, I wouldn't have been sold at an auction like I was furniture or livestock. We were nothing but his objects to use and abuse. Pawns for him to utilize in whatever game he was playing. And when he wasn't using us, we were to stay out of sight, out of mind, and completely obedient. The only one who stood up for us, ever, was Martin."

Tears were stinging my eyes not at my outburst, but of the very mention of sweet Martin. He was ripped from life too soon, especially for having been such a pure spirit. He had never been tainted by our father, whereas Freddy and Edward had worshiped his every word and move as though it were the gospel.