The Start of Something: Hannah

The rest of my afternoon was spent compiling information and resources online and putting a bit of a presentation together to show Roman. At a certain point, it actually made more sense organizationally to make a PowerPoint, so that I knew what I wanted to start with and ways to show all of the research I had done.

There were gaps that I had in it that I knew I would need Roman to assist with. Mostly budgeting and securing a building, but I would also appreciate him opening up the lines of communications with his manufacturers.

I worried that it was too much to ask of him, when I was meant to be the one to do it. I decided to cross securing a building off the list of things for him to help with. I would go scout out options, and once I was ready to put an offer in, I would ask for him to just check things. Getting his help with budgeting and communication with manufacturers were far more important.