New Office: Hannah III

I relished the days that Roman was off of work. We slept in for a few hours, waking for brief moments to wrap our arms around one another before dozing back off to sleep. When we woke, the sunlight was streaming in and I found myself feeling so much joy in waking up to a beautiful day next to my amazing husband.

After showering and getting dressed, we went down to the kitchen together for breakfast. Geoffrey was used to us sleeping in when Roman was off, so he was just finishing up some blueberry muffins and fried eggs for us with a side of fresh fruit.

Roman and I lingered over breakfast, not discussing anything in particular, just enjoying the slow pace of morning together.

"Anything in particular you want to do today?" Roman asked me after he had finished his coffee.

I bit my lip before answering. "I was hoping you would help me fill out the paperwork for the office?"