Doubling Down: Hannah

"Do you see that car?" I asked Nick.

I peered up at him and he made a quick glance over to the car. "What about it?"

"Have you not noticed it around the building since we started here?" I asked him.

He shrugged and made a face that I didn't know how to describe, but it pissed me off. It was like he was dismissing my question before even fully considering it.

"I don't know. Maybe? They probably just work somewhere nearby."

"Isn't it your job to be observant?" I snapped at him.

At that point, I knew that I couldn't trust his opinion of the situation. I was tired of feeling paranoid, and my bodyguard couldn't even help calm my nerves. At that point, I was going to trust my gut.

Pulling out my cellphone, I called Roman. He picked up almost immediately. "Is everything okay?"