A Scrape with Death: Hannah

I tried to scream, but a hand clasped over my mouth. My mind was running wild with panic, anger, and frustration.

I knew it. I had known it for a while, but I had told myself I had just been paranoid. It was frustrating to know that my woes and worries had been so easily dismissed as just a woman who had been rattled before and was then scared of her own shadow.

There wasn't time for that. I needed to get away from whoever this was.

In a moment of pure, rage-filled panic, I bit down on the gloved hand that was about my mouth. The person hollered, but didn't take their hand away.

I was then being dragged backwards and I wasn't having it. I wiggled my body side to side, flailing my arms around, trying to hit them anywhere. I scratched their arms, kicked their chins, and just about anything else my panicked and fragile mind could think of.