The Past: Hannah

"Hey," I called to her with a weak smile.

"Nice space," she said, walking in with her arms crossed and eyes shifting about.

Maybe it was my mind playing tricks on me, but she looked thinner than before. She looked a bit awkward and small, but she was putting on a pleasant enough of an expression.

I hadn't seen her since I had asked her to be apart of the charity. It was nice to see her, and I couldn't help but wonder what she had been getting up to.

"Thanks," I breathed. "How's it going?" I asked.

"It's going," she muttered. "Not been up to much. Just going around, really. Traveling the area."

I nodded, and for some reason felt a deep awkwardness. Something was in the air and I couldn't identify it. It was like she had something to say, but was afraid to say it.

That wasn't like Kristen, though. Kristen had always been headstrong, opinionated, and never afraid to speak her mind.