Close Call: Roman

The phone call with Matthew's boss had been brief, and to the point. 

It didn't take long to point out to the man the threat I had made to Matthew.

The tone in his voice certainly informed me that he understood and was going to handle it.

Once I hung up the phone, I sighed, sent off a couple more emails, and stood from the desk. I checked my phone to see that quite a bit of time had passed and it was likely Hannah would soon be done with her dress appointment.

Maybe I could meet them and take Hannah home myself, or go to dinner if she was hungry. I patted my stomach. The meeting I had walked out on was meant to be catered.

Sighing, I headed for the elevator.

"Heading out so soon?" Rachel called.

"Afraid so," I sighed. "A lot is going on." 

"Lauren told me," Rachel nodded. "If you guys need anything, just let me know."