The Gala IV: Hannah

"Are you thinking it's the guy who tried to grab you?" Roman asked, his tone gravely serious.

"I'm not sure. I just know that's the car I noticed following us around. They could be correlated, they could not," I answered honestly.

Sighing, Roman nodded and pulled out his phone. "I'm going to call Ed and Marcus to let them know they needed to hurry their asses up."

After I gave him a confirmation nod, he raised the phone to his ear. "Hey. Hannah just spotted a car that's been following her around at the gala. The guy looks familiar, but she didn't get a good enough look to really describe him. Not sure if it's the guy who tried to snatch her or not, but it is enough to make me concerned."

There was talking on the other end of the call and Roman nodded. "Are you sure there's no way you two can get here any sooner?" He frowned.