
"Thanks for coming to lunch with me. I know that it was probably the last thing that you wanted to do, but I enjoyed myself and I hope that you did, too." Stiles told me, as he walked me to the door. I felt a blush rising in my cheeks and knew that it was probably showing.

"I did enjoy myself. Even though I really didn't want to leave the house, I'm glad that I came and that you asked me. I think that I needed it. So, thank you for that." I replied. The sincerity and honesty of my words weren't lost on Stiles. The look on his face told me that much. He seemed genuinely surprised, before his lips curved into an easy grin.

"Does that mean that you would be open to seeing me again, sometime?" He asked. I nodded, before I could overthink it. I do enjoy his company. I wasn't expecting to, but I do. "Awesome." He breathed. He took a deep breath, before looking over at me. He seems to be mulling something over. I can tell by the way he's hesitating. "Is it alright if I hug you? I know you don't like being touched, without permission." He surprised me, with his question.

"Okay," I agreed. His reaction was immediate. He wrapped his arms around me, gently but firmly. I relaxed into his embrace and just let myself be held. It brought up a lot of different emotions out of me. I can't remember the last time that someone just held me. I didn't realize how much that I missed it. It feels unbelievably nice. How long can someone really function, without human touch?

"You smell nice." He mused, as he smelled my hair. I felt my blush grow and thanked my lucky stars that he couldn't see it.

"So do you," I replied. I don't know what this is or what it's supposed to be, but now, I'm not sure that I want it to stop.

"I didn't expect to be this comfortable with you." He admitted.

"I didn't either." I whispered. He pulled away, just enough to look at me. I felt very naked in front of him. I don't know how, but he made me feel like all of my secrets and everything I had ever felt were on display for him. He made me feel like he was looking past everything about me that was obvious and out for the world to see. He rubbed the side of my face with his thumb and I didn't stop myself from leaning into his touch.

"Perfect." He breathed. I almost didn't catch it. It caught me off guard and left me feeling winded. Nothing about me is perfect and I couldn't fathom what could possibly make him think that. He was still touching me, but in some ways it didn't feel like enough. I wasn't sure what I wanted from him, but it scared me. I don't know this guy and I wasn't prepared for what he's making me feel. It's a whirlwind of emotion and I feel like I'm drowning. "If you don't go inside, I'm going to want to kiss you and it's too soon for that."

It took a minute for the gravity of his words to register. He's telling me that he respects me enough to not make a move, because he knows that I'm hurting. He's right. It is too soon. Then why do I feel so disappointed? I can't think of anything else, other than how his lips must feel. Jeremy and I were together for a while – too long even – and I never felt with him, what I'm feeling now. How is he doing this to me? Does it matter if it's too soon, if it's what we both want?

"Kiss me." The words were out of my mouth, before I could take them back. "If there's no chemistry, then it won't matter, anyway." I continued, still not believing that those words actually came from me. Stiles still looked like he was hesitating. I didn't try to stop myself or think it over. I stood a little taller on the tip of my toes and I pressed my mouth against his. His embrace shifted. His hands settled on my hips and tightened around me. I was surrounded and overwhelmed with everything that Stiles was. I could taste him and feel him. I was breathing him in and it felt like I couldn't get enough. His tongue slipped into my mouth and I left him dominate me. I felt a fire stir to life in my belly and I kissed him back, harder. He bit down on my bottom lip and mewed at his aggression. His hand slid lower, until he was cupped my backside through my jeans and I pressed myself closer to him. I turned my head away from his to break the kiss and suck down greedy mouthfuls of air. His mouth found my neck and the sound that I made didn't even sound human. We were both getting worked up and I knew that we should stop. I really didn't want to go any further than we already had. I knew that I wasn't ready for that much.

He moved his hands back to my hips and stepped back from me. He was flushed and his eyes were dark. I knew that he was trying to reign himself in and get himself under control, too. I tried to study his features and memorize his face. I knew I wouldn't forget how he felt against me or that kiss. His hands were strong and felt like they were made to hold me. I've never felt as drawn to anyone, as I am to him. He makes me want to hold on tight and never let go. All of the things that he's told me, make me believe that we have had very similar experiences, but his behavior tells me that we couldn't be more different. I don't know why that is so attract to me.

"I don't think that chemistry is an issue for us." He teased, with a sly smirk. I blushed and shook my head, agreeing with him. "You surprise me more and more, the more we spend time together." He told me.

"I surprise myself. I don't know what it is about you… You just make me feel so different, than I normally do. I don't understand it." I admitted. This is all so confusing and overwhelming. I can feel myself beginning to shut down. I need to keep it together long enough to get inside and back to the sanctity of my room. I need to soak in a bath of scalding water and try to forget all of the wonderful, terrifying things Stiles makes me feel.

"That doesn't have to be a bad thing. I'm definitely not complaining, but I'm sorry if we took that too far. The last thing I want to do is push you. I know that you're going through a lot – dealing with a lot – I don't want to make anything harder on you." He promised. I shook my head.

"I initiated it. I wanted to kiss you. I don't regret it… I just… everything has felt so overwhelming with me lately. I'm not to run away from this or you, I just would really like to be alone and try to process this." I told him, honestly. He nodded and seemed surprised – again – by my honesty.

"I can do that. Just don't go radio silent, okay? I'll check on you later. I meant what I said. I do want to see you again. And ya know, do this again." He requested. I nodded.

"Okay." I agreed to both. He gave me a lopsided smile and leaned in closer to me. I know that he wants to kiss me, but he's waiting for me to make the move, so he doesn't cross my boundaries or overwhelm me. I stepped closer and touched my lips to his. As soon as our mouths connected, I let out a sigh of relief that I didn't realize I was holding in. My body sang and I knew that I would never be the same. Whoever Stiles is, my life will never be the same, since I've met him. I don't know what significance he holds, I just know that I was supposed to meet him. There's no doubt in my mind that I wouldn't be able to quit him.

"That was heated." Lydia mused, as I shut the front door behind me. I jumped and held a hand to my chest, as I waited for my heartbeat to return to normal. "Must have been some coffee, huh?" She teased. I knew that my face was red, from how my cheeks were burning, but I just shrugged. I didn't offer her any other explanation. "As long as you're comfortable with what happened, it's fine with me. There is no right way to behave or handle what you're feeling. I just ask that you respect him and you don't hurt him. He's one of my best friends." She continued.

"I won't hurt him." I promised.

"Good." She smiled. "When you're ready, I expect details from your date. But for now, I'll leave you to it." She excused herself, like she knew that I was itching to be alone, so I could finally relax. I bolted to my room and took deep breaths to calm myself down. What is it about him? Something in my gut told me that he'll remain an enigma. Stiles doesn't just have layers. He gives me the feeling that he's something else, entirely. Why am I so open with him? None of it makes sense.

Void Stiles' POV

Our date had gone better than I ever could have hoped. I wasn't going to move that fast with Bonnie, but she surprised me by making the move for me. She was brazen and fierce and goddamn was it sexy. I literally couldn't get enough. I didn't have to fake my attraction or the fact that I wanted her. Stiles' body reacted to her just as much as I did. I wanted to consume her and experience her and learn just what made her tick the way she does. She's the biggest puzzle I've ever encountered and I'm determined to solve it.

She didn't just complement me. She turned me on fire. She electrified my body and ignited something inside of me that I always believed to be dead. I've never lusted after a living being, not like this. I was attracted to power, but never to people. This is something else entirely – a whole other playing field and I'll be damned if I wasn't going to win this game.

Something about her made me want to keep playing and playing. I could go around in circles with her and not get bored. I've barely started playing with her. What is she doing to me? I'm not some teenage body. I have centuries on her. I thought I knew what I was getting into. I couldn't have been more wrong.