SHARI slowly opened her eyes despite the throbbing pain in her head. For a moment, she thought everything was just a bad dream.

She sighed in relief as she had just woken up from a nightmare. But when Shari saw Levi unconscious beside her with a lot of bruises on his face. The situation they were in finally sank into her mind.

Oh, shit. No! Shari studied the place. The paint on the wall was dirty white with visible cobwebs and tiny brown spiders on the ceiling. She was lying on an old queen-sized bed, and the room had only one small window. Shari could tell it was still dark outside. Lights were flickering from the bulb on the exterior wall. How long had she been unconscious?

"I'm glad you're awake."

She almost fell off the bed, bewildered, when he heard a familiar voice. Shari immediately turned to her side. The bed squeaked with her sudden movement.

A man was sitting on a mono bloc chair with a cigarette at hand and casually puffing smoke. A noticeable scar was visible on his left cheek, and his monolid eyes were menacing enough to make her more anxious.

Two bodyguards were standing on each side holding high-caliber rifles pointed at them. This time, they showed their bare faces. Shari made sure to remember them because once she survived this hell hole, she'd come back to kill them all.

"Who are you?" She got up and glared at the man with a scar, knowing he was the leader of the thugs who killed Lalaine.

The man laughed. "You should be honored. I've shown my face because, unfortunately, you'll die anyway. Call me, Shifu. That's how they address me."

"What do you want?" Shari clenched her jaw.

Shifu only crossed his legs and had another puff of the cigarette. "Tell me, what did you do about the files you accessed?"

"I don't know what you're talking about." She averted her gaze and turned to Levi. Shari held his wrist to feel his pulse. She was somehow relieved to know he was just asleep.

"I know you're intelligent… Shariah, right? If you want to stay alive. Tell me, who are the goddamn persons you shared that information with?" Shifu almost lost his cool. He breathed out as if gathering more patience in interrogating her.

Shari attempted to move and be seated on the edge of the bed. But one of the guards warned.

"No necessary movements. Or else, I'll shoot," the man said while his finger was positioned on the trigger.

"It's okay, Jun," Shifu said.

Shari swallowed hard. Careful not to provoke these men. She gently tapped Levi's cheek. "Captain, wake up. Do you hear me?"

Levi groaned.

"Levi, please… I can't do this alone." Shari bit her lower lip, ignoring the hammering of her chest. She tried not to weep because it wouldn't help.

Shifu's phone rang. Another four guards with pistols entered the room as he answered the call.

"Yes, boss." Shifu nodded as if he understood every instruction from the other line. Then he turned his attention to his hostages. "You're lucky. Boss will be late. There are some unexpected delays. How about we have some fun?" Shifu smirked demonically.

"Levi… wake up!" Shari lightly shook Levi's shoulder. She prayed he didn't suffer any internal injury. From the vacation house, she blacked out and didn't know what had happened after Lalaine's death. They would suffer the same fate if they weren't cautious. She didn't want to die. And she'd do anything to keep them distracted until help arrived.

"Good, wake him up. I'm sure you two will enjoy what I have in mind. You'll thank me later. You'll reach heaven before dying." Shifu chuckled and whispered to one of his men that Shari could not hear.

The man went out and returned after a few minutes holding a tripod, and a camera mounted in it.

A shiver ran down Shari's spine, realizing that Shifu was planning something horrendous. Maybe he'd film the way they tortured them until they drew their last breath.

"Yes, what you think is right!" Shifu cackled as if he had read her mind.

"No…" Shari murmured. "Levi, you have to wake up. I need you."

Levi tiredly opened his eyes. He blinked several times to grasp the situation. When he saw Shari in tears staring at him, he held her face. "What's the matter—"

Levi immediately got up as soon as his vision caught several armed men surrounding them. Everything came clear in his mind… they kidnapped them after they killed his mother! He clenched his fist, but Shari gripped his hand and motioned her head as a warning to restrain himself.

Shifu clapped his hands. "Great! Now that the two lovebirds are awake. How about you entertain us and give a live show while waiting for our boss? I want it to be steamy as much as possible."

"No fucking way! I'd rather choose to be killed right now. You are sick!" Levi said hardly.

Shifu laughed. "Don't get too excited. We'll get there."

"Levi… I will do everything to extend our lives, even for a day." Shari said, barely audible.

"Do you understand what you're saying? They'll still kill us, Shari." Levi's voice was determined.

Shari clasped both his hands. "Calm down, and let's think rationally. God knows how I'm frightened right now. But having you beside me is enough reason to fight for our lives. I know what they want. Besides, we are trained in a situation like this. Please… trust me."

"Shari…" Levi exhaled sharply. They only had two choices—to obey or to die.

"What are you waiting for? I don't have much patience. I can kill you right now. I'll reason out to our boss once he finds you dead. Now, go ahead and entertain us!" Shifu got another stick of cigarettes, and one of his men hurriedly lit it.

Shari fixed her gaze on Levi, who seemed still unsure. "Come on, let's do it…."

Levi held her shoulder hard. "Are you sure about this? There's no turning back if we did."

"I'm willing to do it with you than these men. They'll surely force me to do it." Her jaw tightened, but she was persistent. She had to think positively that having sex with Levi with an audience was much better than being tortured until their bodies succumbed.

"Hurry!" Shifu motioned his right hand, and the man beside him pulled the trigger twice. It hit the wall near the couple.

Shari buried her face in Levi's chest, and he embraced her hard in return. "Take a deep breath. You're right. Let's take advantage of the time. Don't worry. I'll be with you even in death."

Levi wasted no time when another shot was fired. He checked his pocket and grasped his black hanky. "I need you to relax. I don't want you to see the faces of these devils." He blindfolded Shari.

"Nice. I like you being this creative." Shifu shouted eagerly.

Shari took a deep breath and removed the blindfold. "No, I want to see their faces, so I know whom I will kill if we survive. Just lie down. I'll do it."

Levi did not break his eye contact. "Pretend we're alone."

Shari nodded. And when Levi lay on the bed, she positioned herself on top of him and unbuttoned his shirt.

"Whoa!" The crowd cheered in excitement.

Shari did not mind them. Despite her trembling hands, she managed to undress Levi.