HYRUM walked back and forth in his room, anticipating a call from a trusted informant. It was past midnight, but he could not sleep. He was waiting for this specific phone call that would serve as the catalyst for his next action. 

When his cell phone rang on the bedside table, he hurriedly answered it, though the number was unregistered. 

He waited until a familiar male voice spoke on the line. "We have the package, and we are on the move…" 

When Hyrum heard the detailed report, he only nodded his head. "You know my instructions. I'll be there as quick as possible." He tapped the end button. 

Hyrum wasted no time getting his small backpack and drove outside his residence. He had to catch the earliest flight going to Legazpi. He had no choice because Chen, his private pilot, was in Shanghai to attend a wedding, and he'd return in the next two days.