HYRUM found his cousin inside the mini bar of their mansion, casually sipping red wine from his glass. Bien looked tipsy. Bien's tie was loosened, and his hair disheveled.

Bien lazily turned his head on him. "Hyrum! What brought you here in this ungodly hour?" he giggled. Even the tone of his voice was obviously drunk. "Come, join me! Let's celebrate!" Bien raised his wine glass. 

Hyrum shoved his cousin's hand, causing the glass to fall and break into pieces. He grabbed his collar. "What have you done this time? I know you're ruthless, but I didn't expect you'd stoop this low just because you're threatened!"

Bien pushed him. "Hey, what's wrong with you, man?!"

"Why do you have to kill Kana? She is not a threat!"

"Oh, who is that?" Bien sniggered. His eyes blinked several times as if trying to remember. "I don't know what you're talking about, Hyrum."