SIX months had quickly passed. Shari finally gave birth to a bouncing baby girl. She named her Kendria Visha—derived from what Lalaine suggested that fateful night, which means survivor and greatest champion. 

Hyrum was there the night she brought her baby into the world. He was so happy carrying the infant. "Welcome to the outside world, Baby Visha. I'm your Uncle Daddy!" Hyrum danced as the baby cried. He passed the baby to Sage, who was still in a wheelchair. But could already walk with the help of his crutches. 

"She is so cute. It's undeniable that she is my niece. However, it is also evident that Visha resembled her father a lot. Especially the color of her eyes." Sage carefully studied the baby's face. 

Shari had a normal delivery. Yan and Lei were also there and were happy to see the child. 

"I will be your grandma, Visha," Yan said.

Lei gently pinched Visha's chubby cheeks. "So cute. Your Uncle Lei will spoil you a lot."