FRANCESCO had sent Shari back to the city clearly in the morning. Before leaving, he showed his huge gun collections, and Shari was positive she could easily do the task. She'd even do it without his order. 

Shari wasted no time. When she arrived home, she immediately packed her things and informed Hyrum about the situation. He was dumbfounded, but Shari could tell he was proud of her. 

"Why are you going back to the Philippines all of a sudden? What about Visha?" Sage asked. 

"You promised to take good care of my daughter, brother. I've already succeeded in approaching my target, and now I have to prove I am worthy of being under him." Shari wore her medium-sized backpack and held her passport. But this time, she'd use a fake identity. Hyrum made sure she could pass the immigration without a doubt. His family had been in the counterfeiting business for a long time, and Shari trusted him. She was now Shi Cheng, Yan's younger daughter, and Lei's sibling.