BIEN aggressively shoots the paper target. He could not land on successful operations recently and had already lost billions! The other families made the Cheng laughingstock since the police and Levi's team seemed to focus on the Cheng Shipping Lines. 

"Damn you, Hirsch! The devil knows how much I want to kill you!" Bien was fuming. He thought he'd be better after a few rounds of target shooting. But the worst news was just about to come. 

Akesha came near with a visible hesitation on her beautiful face. Bien was forced to detain her in his house to keep her safe. Levi might target her soon, and he didn't want to lose the young doctor. He didn't care much about anything in this world except this woman who grew up with him.

"Bien, may I have a minute with you?"

Bien removed his earmuffs and goggles when Akesha approached him. "What is it?"

Akesha took a deep breath before she replied. "I-I received news regarding Shifu."