SHARI grunted as soon as she felt her back touch the muddy ground. "Fuck!"

She lay still for a moment, trying to calm her erratic heartbeat and silently checking for an injury. Glad that, aside from the mild back pain, she was still okay. 

Perhaps this was the way nature wanted to help her. The howling wolves were gone. However, she didn't know how deep this hole was. Everything was dark. 

Shari didn't mind the slimy texture of the ground, it was probably clay, and it was nothing compared to the wild animals lurking here at night. For a while, she thought if her body could withstand the cold, she might stay here for the night until morning. Assuming there weren't any venomous snakes there. 

A shiver ran through her spine, thinking of the snakes. She'd die in just one tiny bite. 

"Come on. You can do it…." She muttered under her breath.