IT WAS already four in the morning, but Levi found it hard to sleep. Despite the alcohol intake he had last night. He forced herself to stay alert to look for Shari, who was in deep slumber beside her.

He slowly got up, carefully not to wake her up. Levi strolled to the terrace to call Khalil. He was probably awake since Khalil often did his workout routine at this time.

Khalil immediately answered after a few rings. "Boss, is there a problem?"

"Shari and I had a car chase with Bien Cheng and his men last night. But we're fine, don't worry. I will tell you everything later. Send your squad to check my house. Bien probably took advantage of our absence and had it bugged. Worse, there might even be a bomb."

"Right away, boss. I'll call you when it is clear."

"Thank you, Khalil."

He went back beside Shari and embraced her tight. Levi enjoyed watching her face, sleeping innocently, and he prayed he could protect her all the time.