"I HATE to admit it, but you were right about the information you gave me. So many people died, sweetheart. And now it is Howie Cheng. Do you think he really died of cardiac arrest?" Levi muttered when they reached home. 

"Are we going to visit his wake?" Shari asked, observing Levi's face.

"No. We'll convey our condolences with Hyrum, but we can't show ourselves there."

"You are right, love." Shari had no plans of coming back, especially with Levi.

Levi took a deep sigh. "Honestly, I'm frustrated right now. That may be the reason my patience is always on the verge of breaking. All the targets that we were supposed to apprehend were found dead."

"Oh, really?" Shari faked a gasp. "You're home now. Let's call this a day, love. Let's rest. So, we could have a fresh start tomorrow."

"Yes, better."

Shari had to distract Levi because, looking at him now, she was not used to seeing his long face. "And with that, let's have a warm shower."