"HOW did you save Sage Ford?" Levi's voice was lower compared to before. He had to stay levelheaded because Hyrum might not answer all his queries.

Hyrum could tell the man had a lot of questions to ask, and he'd tell him everything he wanted to know—except about Visha. 

"Why don't you sit? This is going to be a long talk. I will not lie. You can always verify the truth, Levi."

Levi could not get himself to sit. He walked back and forth to organize his thoughts because he didn't know where to start. "Just answer me. Damn it!"

"Whoa, there you go again." Hyrum chuckled. "It had been long. I might omit some small details. To put it simply, I let Kai and Jun work for Bien at that time. Shifu acted on his own upon learning that Shari was still alive. Kai arrived a little late. He could not save Frida. But he had to shoot Sage on his legs not to raise suspicion…." Hyrum told him everything that fateful day.