LEVI massaged his temple after checking the pile of documents on his table. He was inside his office at Hirsch Holdings. After his trip to Italy a few months ago, Levi focused on their family business and lost the drive to stay at HDA, although he kept overseeing it.

He appointed Khalil as the officer-in-charge while he was gone. Aside from that, he couldn't face his team because of the issue regarding Shari. He distracted himself by working nonstop to forget about her, and most of the time, he'd attend business meetings with their investors abroad to keep himself occupied.

He leaned his back on his swivel chair and sighed. There had been no news about Shari, and he was on the verge of losing his sanity. Levi somehow expected that she'd reach out even once, but he ended up disappointed. The love he had for her turned into hate.