REN finally decided to visit Levi when he returned to the Philippines after having internal deliberation about whether it was a good thing to do. He was aware of the dangers surrounding Shari since she married Kevin Zhao. 

While on his way, Ren pondered if he'd tell Levi about his assassination contract given by Hyrum's late father. This might irk Levi, and he'd surely think he had a motive behind this, but he only wanted to help. Ren felt he was made to be part of the event that was about to unfold.

Ren sharply breathed out as he entered the well-known HDA building. He was alone, and Ren hoped that Hyrum was not here by chance because he wasn't ready to face him, although Ren saw Hyrum and Levi together during Shari's wedding. He concluded that the two were on the same side now, and he must join them.