Record Selling

The book was an instant hit. Hobbit being a standalone book, garnered less attention than the new series.

Haters called the author a one-trick pony, but with the news of the Lord of the Rings series, they had to swallow their own words.

What was more surprising was that this series would have a total of six books and would expand the mythology of Middle Earth.

From following Bilbo from Bag End to The Shire. Hearing stories from his younger days. Understanding how Gandalf knew Thorin Oakenshield after returning from his long journey was exciting enough.

But the new series would focus on the story of Frodo's adventures.

One critic wrote-

"A fantasy featuring realistic and a tense narrative. After reading only the first book of following Frodo throughout his journey, it became tiresome. Not because of the story but because of constant anticipation for what's next to come.