Drunken Night-3*

A few moments later, Paige started to twitch uncontrollably while tightly gripping the sheets on the side.

Iblis also joined in and knew what to do as she kept fingering Paige's insides while still shaking.

Samuel decided to pile on. He quickly lifted her body a few inches higher and started to move his hip, It was so intense that he thought she would squirt, but it didn't happen. Paige's face is a mess after multiple orgasms; add to that, she was almost deprived of having to experience a normal one earlier.

She breathed heavily when she removed herself from him, but now Iblis excitedly grabbed him while he was still rock-hard.

"It's so hot." Iblis started to tug it while she placed his empty hands inside her. It's definitely warm and moist, and his fingers slid right in.